Mō Te Kōhanga Reo
About Te Kōhanga Reo
Ko tā Te Kōhanga he mahi tahi ki ngā whānau ki te whakaora me te whakapakari i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.
Ko Te Kōhanga Reo, he wāhi ka āta manaakihia, ka āta poipoia ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau ki tētahi āhuru mōwai e rumakina ai ngā mokopuna ki te reo Māori, ki ngā tikanga.
He kaupapa a Te Kōhanga Reo ki te waihanga i ngā wāhi reo me ngā wāhi tikanga. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā whānau ki ngā mahi ako a ā rātau tamariki me ngā whakahaerenga o ia Kōhanga Reo.
He mea nui Te Kōhanga Reo ki te whakaora i te iwi Māori. Ia tātau ka anga whakamua ki te anamata, ki ngā ara e mau tonu ai te ao Māori, ko te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo he huarahi whakahihiri e tipu haere tonu ai i ngā whakatipuranga kai te heke mai.
Ko Te Kōhanga Reo tuatahi ki Pukeatua, ki Wainuiomata, ki Pōneke, i whakatuwhera i te 13 o Paenga-whāwhā, i te tau 1982, ā, mai anō i taua wā, neke atu i te 50,000 tamariki kua tae atu ki tētahi Kōhanga Reo. Ko te nuinga o aua tamariki he mātua i nāianei o te reanga tuarua o ngā tamariki Kōhanga Reo.
Te Kōhanga Reo is about whānau working together to revitalise and strengthen te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.
Te Kōhanga Reo means 'the language nest'. It is a place where we care for and nurture our mokopuna alongside whānau in a warm and secure environment and where mokopuna are totally immersed in the Māori language, customs, and values.
Te Kōhanga Reo is a movement that works to build rich language and cultural spaces. Whānau are involved in their children's learning and the operations of each Kōhanga Reo.
Te Kōhanga Reo remains critical to the revitalisation of the Māori nation. As we look to the future for ways to sustain Te Aō Māori, the Kōhanga Reo movement is an exciting and ever-evolving way to grow our future generations.
The first Kōhanga Reo in Pukeatua in Wainuiomata, Wellington, opened on 13 April 1982, and since then, over 50,000 children have attended a Kōhanga Reo. Many of those children are now parents of the second generation of Kōhanga Reo children.

He kōrero anō?
Want to know more?
Tirohia te hononga ki te whārangi o Mokopuna me te Whānau | Children and Families page kia kite i ngā kōrero mō Te Kōhanga Reo me ngā hotaka e taunaki nei mātau.
Tirohia te hononga ki Tūwāhi o Ngā Kōhanga Reo | Find a Kōhanga Reo kia kite i ngā wāhi noho o ō mātau Kōhanga Reo.
Tirohia tēnei hononga ki Te Orokohanganga | History page mō te orokohanganga o Te Kōhanga Reo.
See our Mokopuna me te Whānau | Children and Families page to find out more about Kōhanga Reo and the programmes we support.
See Tūwāhi o Ngā Kōhanga Reo | Find a Kōhanga Reo to see where our Kōhanga Reo are located.
See our Te Orokohanganga | History page for more about the history of Kōhanga Reo.
I whakatūria Te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo i te tau 1982, ā, ka ōkawatia hai kaitiakitanga hua kore i te tau 1983.
Ko te Poari Matua hai rōpū whakahaere, ko te tūranga matua he whakarato i te tautoko i hiahiatia ai e ngā Kōhanga Reo, tae atu ki te whakangao motuhake ki ngā mokopuna, ki ngā whānau me tō rātau hanganga ahurea o te reo, o te iwi, o te hononga rangatiratanga, o te whānau ako, o te whānau whakatau.
E whai ana tā mātau Poari:
Kia tiaki i ngā tikanga Māori
Kia mahi i raro i ngā mātāpono o te ahunga pai
Kia pupuri i ngā taumata teitei o te ngaiotanga me te pono
Ka mutu, he maha ngā whāinga a te Poari, arā:
Kia whakatairanga, kia tautoko, kia akiaki i te whakamahinga me te pupuritanga o te reo
Kia whakatairanga, kia tautoko, kia akiaki:
I te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo, kia whāia kia rumakina ki te reo Māori
I te whakatūnga me te tiakitanga o ngā Kōhanga Reo i roto o Aotearoa
I te whakaratonga āwhina, tautoko pūtea, tohutohu me ngā whakahaerenga ki ngā whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo
Kia hono ki te Karauna, ki ngā tari o te Kāwanatanga me ētahi atu rōpū whai take ki te whakatairanga i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo me ana whakahaerenga
Ka kore e neke atu i te tekau mema o te Poari, ka kore hoki e iti iho i te ono. E tuwhera ana te whakaurunga mema ki te Poari ki te hunga katoa e tutuki ana i ngā paearu o te whakaingoatanga i tō rātau ake rohe, ā, e rima tau te roa.
Whā tekau tau i te tūnga mai o te Kōhanga Reo tuatahi, ka noho tonu mātau hai kauwaka mō te orangatonutanga o te reo Māori, o ngā kaupapa Māori, o ngā mātauranga Māori, o ngā tikanga Māori me te ao Māori, mai i ngā pakeke ki ngā mokopuna.
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board was established in 1982 and formalised as a charitable trust in 1983.
As the governing body, the Trust Board has had a key role in providing the support needed by Kōhanga Reo, including specific investment in mokopuna, whānau, and their cultural infrastructure of language, kinship, relationship management, whānau learning, and whānau decision-making.
Our Board aims to:
Protect Tikanga Māori
Operate under the principles of good stewardship
Maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity
More formally, the Board has a range of objectives including:
To promote, support and encourage the use and retention of te reo
To promote, support and encourage:
The Kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo and the goal of total immersion in te reo Māori
The establishment and maintenance within New Zealand of Te Kōhanga Reo
The provision of financial, advisory and administrative assistance and support for the whānau of Te Kōhanga Reo
To liaise with the Crown and Government departments and other relevant bodies for the purposes of promoting the Kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo and its administration
The Board consists of no more than ten members and no less than six. Membership onto the board is open to all persons who meet the criteria for nomination within their respective rohe and is for a term of five years.
Forty years after the foundation of the first Kōhanga Reo, we remain a principal vehicle for restoration of te reo Māori, Kaupapa Māori, mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori me te ao Māori from older generations to the youngest.
He kōrero anō?
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Tirohia te hononga ki te whārangi o Te Poari Matua, o ngā Kaitiaki kia kite i ngā kōrero mō ngā tūranga o te Poari me ngā Kaitiaki o mua, o nāianei anō hoki.
Tirohia te hononga ki ngā Kaitiaki Titi mō ngā ture me ngā here e whakaatu ana i te kaupapa o tō mātau whakahaere, ngā mahi me ngā kawenga a ngā Kaitiaki.
Tirohia tēnei hononga mō ngā kōrero whakapā a Hēkeretari o te Poari.
See our Te Poari Matua | Trustees page to find out more about the role of the Board and our Trustees, past and present.
See our Trust Deed for the rules and obligations that set out the purpose of our organisation and the roles and responsibilities of the Trustees.
See our Whakapā Mai | Contact Us page for the Board Secretariat’s contact information.

I whakatūria, i whakaurua a te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo i te tuawhā o Kohi-tātea i te tau 1984 i raro i te Charitable Trust Act i te tau 1957.
Mai anō i te whakatuwheratanga mai o te Kōhanga Reo i te tau 1982, he nui te takoha a te whakahaere ki te whakarauoratangaa o te reo Māori, ki ngā mokopuna, ki te whanaketanga Māori. Neke atu i te 400 Kōhanga Reo puta noa i Aotearoa. Ka mutu, tata ki te 9000 mokopuna kua whakauru.
Ko tā mātau kaupapa he tiaki i te reo, i ngā tikanga me ngā āhuatanga Māori mā te whai i te whai wāhi atu o ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau ki roto i te kaupapa o te Kōhanga Reo ko tā mātau tirohanga kia rumakina ngā tamariki ki roto i te Kōhanga Reo mā ngā tikanga whakatipu tamariki i roto i te reo, i ngā tikanga, me ngā āhuatanga Māori.
Ko tō mātau hanganga me te tuku ratonga
I te taumata teitei, ka whakaratongia e te Poari Matua te mana whakahaere me te ārahi i ngā whakahaerenga a Te Tari ā-Motu.
I roto i te Kaitiaki, ko Ngā Pou e ārahi ana i ngā wāhanga matua e whā hai kawe i ā mātau ratonga me te tautoko i ā mātau mahi matua. Kai roto i tēnei ko te tautoko whakahaere i ia rohe.
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust was set up and incorporated on 4 January 1984 under the Charitable Trust Act 1957.
Since the opening of the first Kōhanga Reo in 1982 the organisation has made a significant contribution to the revitalisation of te reo Māori and mokopuna and whānau development. There are more than 400 Kōhanga Reo across Aotearoa New Zealand with nearly 9,000 mokopuna enrolled.
Our mission is to protect te reo, tikanga me ngā āhuatanga Māori by targeting the participation of mokopuna and whānau into the Kōhanga Reo movement and our vision is to totally immerse mokopuna in Kōhanga through traditional child rearing practices in te reo, tikanga me ngā āhuatanga Māori.
Our structure and service delivery
At a high-level, our Poari Matua | Trust Board provide governance and oversight of the Trust’s operations.
Within the Trust, our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) lead four key business areas to deliver our services and support our core functions. This includes operational support within each rohe.
Anei tētahi tirohanga whānui o ngā mahi a ā mātau rōpū pakihi matua e whā:
Te Tari o te Tumu Whakarae
He tautoko mō te Tumu Whakarae
He tautoko hekeretari a te Poari
Ka whakahaere i ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero tae atu ki ngā uiuinga pānui
Ratonga Umanga
Kai roto i ā mātau mahi whakahaere ko ngā pūmanawa tangata, pūtea, hangarau whakaaturanga, tirotiro pirihimana, aukati i ngā mahi moni
Ko tā mātau mahi whiwhi e whakahaere ana i te pūtea whakahaere mō ā mātau inihua; ko tā mātau kaupapa hauora, a Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau; toa ipurangi mō te hoko taonga me te whiwhi taputapu whānau.
Ko Ngā Whakahaere
Ko ngā whakahaere he mahi whaitake e whakapūmau ana i te whakapuakitanga o te kaupapa mā Korowai Manaaki, te wānanga o Te Whāriki, me te Tari Arotake Mātauranga
Tekau ō mātau tari-ā-rohe huri noa i Aotearoa ki te whakarato i ngā mahi o mua ki te tautoko me te tohutohu i ngā whānau ki ngā āhuatanga whakahaere o tō rātau Kōhanga Reo
Ka whai wāhi atu Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā rōpū tohutohu maha tae atu ki te Komiti Tohutohu i ngā Kōhungahunga me ngā rōpū mahi a te rāngai
Ko te Whakangungu me te Whakawhanake
Kai ēnei rōpū te kawenga mō te whakawhanaketanga, te tiaki me te tuku i ā mātau akoranga whakangungu kua oti te āta whakarite mō te Kōhanga Reo
Kai ngā rohe ō mātau Pou Ako e noho ana
Ka arotakehia e tā mātau rōpū o Te Whare Ako ngā akoranga me te tohutohu mō ngā whakarerekētanga hai whakapūmau i ngā tohu e tika ana, e whai tikanga ana anō hoki
Kai te whakahaere hoki rātau i ngā tikanga herenga me te whakapūmautanga o te kounga puta noa i te tukunga o te hōtaka. Me whai hononga tata ki Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa, me Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua
Here’s an overview of the function of our four key business groups:
Chief Executive’s Office
Support for the Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive
Board secretariat support
Manages communications including media enquiries, and is responsible for the Trust’s website and social media pages
Corporate Services
Our back-office functions include human resources, finance, information technology, police vetting, anti-money laundering (AML) oversight, Kōhanga Reo audits and corporate compliance
Our Procurement function oversees the managed fund for our insurance, our Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau (MOP) healthcare programme, online store for taonga and merchandise sales and the procurement of whānau equipment
Operations is a national office function that embeds delivery of the Kaupapa through Korowai Manaaki, Te Whāriki wānanga and Education Review Office
We have 10 rohe | district offices around New Zealand to provide frontline engagement to support and advise whānau with the operational aspects of their Kōhanga Reo
The Trust participates in various advisory groups including the Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC) and sector working groups
Training and Development
These teams are responsible for the development, maintenance and delivery of our training courses which have been specifically developed for the Kōhanga Reo
Our trainers | Pou Ako are based in the rohe | districts
Our Te Whare Ako team reviews the courses and advises of any changes to ensure the qualifications remain relevant and of a high standard
They also manage the compliance and quality assurance processes throughout the delivery programme which requires close interaction with New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
He kōrero anō?
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Tirohia tēnei hononga, Ngā Pou, kia kite i ngā kōtaha a tō mātau Tumu Whakarae me Ngā Pou
Tirohia tēnei hononga, Whakapā Mai, mō ngā kōrero whakapā ki te Tumu Whakarae, te Rōpū Whakawhitiwhiti, me ngā Tari-ā-Rohe
Tirohia tenei hononga Ngā Rohe, mō ngā kōrero whakapā ki ngā rohe
Tirohia tēnei hononga, Te Whare Ako, mō ngā kōrero whakangungu
See our Ngā Pou | Executive Leadership Team page for profiles of our Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive and Pou | General Managers.
See our Whakapā Mai | Contact Us page for contact information for the Tumu Whakarae, Communications team, or Tari ā-Rohe | District Offices.
See our Ngā Rohe | Districts pages for more information about our rohe | districts.
See our Te Whare Ako | Training and Development page for more information about training.
I whakatūria a Te Pātaka Ohanga ki te ahu whakamua i ngā wawata arumoni o ngā whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo. I te mea he āpiti motuhake, he āpiti katoa nō Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo, kai Te Pātaka Ohanga te kawenga mō te whakahaere i ngā mahi ohaoha mō te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka tukuna e TPO ngā ratonga e whai ake nei ki ngā Kōhanga Reo:
Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau, he kaupapa hauora e tautoko ana i ngā utu mō ngā maimoatanga hauora a ngā mokopuna. Ka kapi i ngā toronga tākuta; te hauhau taringa; ngā tini mate taringa, ihu, korokoro; i ētahi wā ka kapi hoki i te rata niho
Te kapinga inihua mō ngā whare, ngā rawa, ngā motokā, me ngā taunahatanga a te iwi
Ka kapi i te āwhina i te taha rori
Te Pātaka Ohanga (TPO) was established to advance the commercial aspirations of whānau in Te Kōhanga Reo.
As an independent, wholly owned subsidiary of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust, TPO is responsible for managing economic activities on behalf of the Trust. TPO provides the following services to Kōhanga Reo:
Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau (MOP) health care programme that subsidises the costs of medical treatment of mokopuna. It covers consultant visits; grommets; multiple ear, nose and throat ailments; and at times dentistry is also covered
Insurance coverage for buildings, contents, motor vehicles and public liability
Roadside assistance coverage
He kōrero anō?
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Tirohia tēnei hononga, Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau, mō te roanga atu o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei hōtaka.
See our Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau | Mokopuna Health Programme page for more information about this programme.
I te tau 2008, i toro atu Te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ki ia takiwā, i puta mai ko ngā whānau e whakapūmau ana i tō rātau pono ki te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakarewa ēnei kōrero i Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ko te Whakamana i te Reo me ōna Tikanga
No compromising Te ReoKo te Whakamana i te Mokopuna me te Whānau
Empower and strengthen Mokopuna and WhānauKo te whakamana i te Kaupapa
Strengthen Te Kōhanga Reo Movement
In 2008, Te Kohanga Reo National Trust Board visited every district resulting in Kōhanga Reo whānau reaffirming their commitment to Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. This kōrero gave rise to Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga Reo, or Te Kohanga Reo National Trust Strategic Plan.
Our Strategic Plan guides and provides a foundation for our mahi, which aims to progress and achieve our three strategic objectives:
Ko te Whakamana i te Reo me ōna Tikanga
No compromising Te ReoKo te Whakamana i te Mokopuna me te Whānau
Empower and strengthen Mokopuna and WhānauKo te whakamana i te Kaupapa
Strengthen Te Kōhanga Reo Movement
He kōrero anō?
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Tirohia tēnei hononga, Te Ara Tūāpae, mō ētahi anō kōrero e pā ana ki tā mātau mahere rautaki me ngā whāinga mō te ānamata.
See our Te Ara Tūāpae | Strategic Plan page for more information about our strategic plan and goals for the future.