Kupu whakataki
E mea rā te kōrero ko Te Kōhanga Reo tētahi kaupapa tino whakahihiri, tino mārohirohi o te motu kua whakarewahia e te iwi Māori. Ko tana angitu, nā te whakapono ki te kaupapa, te herenga herekore e hiahiatia ana e te iwi me te mōhio ‘mā te tamaiti e ārahi te huarahi’. Ko tā Te Kōhanga Reo he tirohanga Māori, ā, ko te whāinga o te kaupapa kia whakarauora, kia whakapiki i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori, ngā whakapono Māori me ngā tikanga Māori ki te hunga e tauawhi ana.
The Kōhanga Reo movement has been hailed as one of the most exciting and powerful national initiatives undertaken by Māori people. Its success is due to belief in the Kaupapa, the unconditional commitment required of the people and the knowledge that 'the child shall lead the way'. The Kōhanga Reo philosophy is a Māori world view and the movement's goal is to revitalise and increase the use of the Māori language and traditional Māori beliefs and customary practices with all who embrace it.

Kua puāwai Te Kōhanga Reo i runga i te māramatanga he mea whakahirahira, he mea nui ngā mema katoa o te whānau i roto i te oranga o ngā mokopuna. E mahi tahi ana ngā mātua, ngā kaumātua, te whānau whānui, te hapū me te iwi kia whakarato i tētahi āhuru mōwai mō ā mātau mokopuna me ō mātau whānau kia ora tonu ai te reo me ōna tikanga Māori. Ka whakarato rātau i tētahi taiao manaaki, harikoa, haumaru anō hoki e ako ai ngā mokopuna i tō rātau reo me ngā tikanga. Nā tēnei ka tū whakahīhī, ka tū māia ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau.
Ko ngā hua matua i whakaahuatia i te Arotake o te Kāwanatanga i te tau 1988:
Ka ako te mokopuna i te reo Māori me te ahurea, me te taha wairua mā te noho rumaki.
Ka poipoia, ka tautokona te ako i te reo me te ahurea mō ngā mema katoa o te whānau.
Ka ako te whānau i ētahi atu pūkenga (hai tauira, ngā mahi tari) i roto i tētahi taiao whānau.
Ko te kawenga mahi tahi mō ngā mahi tari me te whakahaerenga o Te Kōhanga Reo e poipoia ana mā te whakawhanaketanga o te whānau.
Ko te kaupapa, te horopaki, me te mana whakahaere o te ako he Māori.
Haere ngā tau, kua kitea he tūāpapa angitu o Te Kōhanga Reo mō ngā mokopuna e takatū ana ki tētahi huarahi mātauranga kaupapa Māori, kia noho hoki hai Māori. Ko ā mātau mokopuna kua puta te ihu i Te Kōhanga Reo ētahi o ngā ākonga tino momoho o te whare wānanga o Aotearoa kua puta te ihu.
Ka taea e koe te rapu kōrero anō mō tō mātau Kōhanga Reo ki te whārangi Te Orokohangaanga l Whārangi hītori.
I pēhea tō tātau iwi i tīmata ai Te Kōhanga Reo? I titikaha rātau, i manawanui, he hiahia nui tō rātau kia ako ā rātau mokopuna i te reo Māori i roto i tētahi taiao Māori.
He mea nui kia tipu tonu tā mātau kaupapa. Mēnā kai te hiahia koe ki te whakatū Kōhanga Reo me ētahi atu whānau e rite ana te hiahia. Tēnā, kōrerohia tahitia mai ki a mātau ēnei moemoeā kia whakatinanahia.
Te Kōhanga Reo has flourished based on the understanding that all members of the whānau are significant and valuable in the lives of mokopuna. Parents, grandparents, extended whānau, hapū and iwi working together, provide the best possible environment for our mokopuna and whānau, and ensure the survival of te reo me ōna tikanga Māori. They provide a caring, joyful and secure environment where mokopuna learn their language and values. This results in mokopuna and whānau who are confident and proud.
Key outcomes of Kōhanga Reo, described in the Government Review 1988 are:
Mokopuna learn the Māori language and culture, including the spiritual dimension through immersion
Language and cultural learning is fostered and supported for all members of the whānau
Whānau learn a range of other skills (for example, administration) within the whānau setting
Collective responsibility for the administration and operations of the Kōhanga Reo is fostered through whānau development
Whānau feel the sense of being accepted and belonging which is crucial for their empowerment
The content, context, and control of learning is Māori
Many years later, Te Kōhanga Reo has proven to be a successful foundation for mokopuna in preparation for a Māori-medium education pathway and for living life as Māori. Our mokopuna graduates are among the most successful Māori university graduates Aotearoa, New Zealand has produced.
You can find out more about our Kōhanga Reo story on our Te Orokohanganga | History page.
How did our people start Kōhanga Reo? They had determination, commitment and a strong desire to have their mokopuna learn te reo Māori in a Māori environment.
The continual growth of our movement is important. If you are keen to start a Kōhanga Reo and there are other whānau with the same desire, then kōrero about these dreams with us and make them a reality.

Me pēhea e timata ai
How to get started
Ina hiahia ana tētahi kāhui whānau ki te whakatū Kōhanga Reo hou, ko te mahi tuatahi me whakapā atu ki Te Kōhanga Reo Tari ā-Rohe. Tirohia tā mātau whārangi Whakapā Mai.
I runga i te mōhio he iti noa ngā rauemi, ngā whare me ngā tāngata matatau ki te reo Māori, ka tirohia e mātau mēnā ka taea te whakakī tūranga i ētahi atu o ngā Kōhanga Reo o te rohe i te tuatahi. I ētahi wā, tērā pea, he take e tika ai kia whakatū i tētahi Kōhanga Reo hou ahakoa kāore anō ētahi atu Kōhanga Reo kia poha, hai tauira, he take matawhenua, he nui ngā mokopuna i taua takiwā kāore i te haere ki tētahi Kōhanga Reo.
He mea nui te wānanga ki waenganui i ngā whānau i te tīmatanga o te whakatū Kōhanga Reo. He āwhina nui i ngā whānau ki te Tūtohinga.
When a group of whānau are interested in setting up a new Kōhanga Reo, the first step is to contact the local Kōhanga Reo Tari ā-Rohe | District Office. See our Whakapā Mai | Contact Us page.
Given that resources, both buildings, and people with te reo Māori fluency, are scarce, we will look at whether vacancies in other Kōhanga Reo in the area can be filled first. In some cases, there may be a good reason why a new Kōhanga Reo should be established even though other Kōhanga Reo are not full, eg geographical reasons, many Māori mokopuna in the area not attending any Kōhanga Reo.
Wānanga amongst whānau is important in the initial stages of setting up a Kōhanga Reo. These will support whānau towards Tūtohinga | Chartering stage.
Te Whānau me ngā kaumātua
Te Hā o te Tipuna
Te Kaupapa Whakahaere a ngā mātua
Ngā mahi a ngā rangatahi hei āwhina
Te hapai i te tipu o te reo me te katoa o te mokopuna, ara, te whatumanawa, te hinengaro, te tinana, me te wairua
Te oranga pūmau o te whānau
Ko ngā tikanga a Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo ki te tipuranga o te mokopuna
Anga whakamua kia pai ai te mārama ki te reo ā-tuhi
Te Paerangatiratanga me ngā pitopito kōrero
Te Kōhanga Reo, Purapura
Te Kōhanga Reo – Kei te ahu tātou ki hea ināianei
Kai te Tari ā-Rohe te kawenga kia tino tautokohia ngā whānau puta noa i te tīmatanga o te whakatūnga mai me ngā wāhanga whakahaere o Te Kōhanga Reo. Kai a rātau anō te kawenga ki te whakarite kia tukuna ngā kōrero ki ngā wāhi tika. Kai a rātau ngā taputapu me ngā rauemi tika kia tino tautoko i te whānau hou o Te Kōhanga Reo. Kai roto i tēnei ko te ārahi me te whakahaere ki te taha o ngā whānau i roto i ngā wāhanga rerekē.
Ka whakapā atu ana ki te Tari ā-Rohe, koinei ētahi o ngā kōrero me ngā pātai me whakarite e koe:
E hia ngā whānau e hiahia ana ki te whakatū i tētahi Kōhanga Reo?
Tokohia ā koutou tamariki/mokopuna?
Kai a koutou te tautoko a te Kaumātua? He mea nui tā rātau whakauru.
Puka Rēhita mō ngā Mokopuna – whakaurua ngā ingoa, wāhi noho, rā whānau, ngā ingoa o ngā mātua/kaitiaki me ā rātau waitohu.
Puka Rēhita mō ngā Kaumātua Tautoko– whakaurua ngā ingoa o ngā kaumātua tautoko, ngā tāngata matatau me ētahi atu whānau whānui e tautoko ana i Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ngā kōrero mō te tangata whakapā – whakaurua te ingoa, wāhi noho, nama waea o te tangata whakapā e noho ana hai māngai mō te whānau.
Reta whai pānga – tētahi reta whai pānga ōkawa e whakatū ana i tētahi Kōhanga Reo ki te Poari o Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Reta tautoko a te Purapura – e akiaki ana tētahi reta tautoko mai i tētahi Purapura o te rohe.
Tari ā-Rohe | District Offices are responsible for ensuring whānau are fully supported throughout the preliminary establishment and operational phases for Kōhanga Reo. They are also responsible for ensuring information is provided to the relevant areas. They have the necessary tools and resources to fully support the new Kōhanga Reo whānau. This includes guiding and facilitating alongside whānau, through the different phases.
When contacting a Tari ā-Rohe, these are some of the information and questions you should have prepared:
How many whānau are interested in setting up a Kōhanga Reo?
How many tamariki / mokopuna do you have?
Do you have Kaumātua support? Their involvement is vital
Mokopuna Register – include names, addresses, dates of birth, parent/guardian names and signatures
Kaumātua Support Register – include names of supporting kaumātua, fluent speakers and other extended whānau who are supporting the Kōhanga Reo
Contact Person Details – include name, address and phone number of the contact person representing the whānau
Letter of Interest – a formal letter of interest in establishing a Kōhanga Reo to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board
Purapura Support Letter – a letter of support from the local purapura is recommended
Ko te Purapura he huihuinga mō ngā whānau katoa o roto i Te Kōhanga Reo ki te whakaū whanaungatanga me te whakapakari i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Ko ia Purapura he huinga nō ngā Kōhanga Reo tata, ka hui ki te whakawhiti whakaaro, whirikoka, pūkenga.
Ko te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero a te Purapura te mea matua i te wā e kitea ai ngā hiahia o Te Kōhanga Reo hou. E mārama ana rātau ki ngā whakaritenga o te whakatūtanga, ka taea hoki ō rātau wheako whakahaere te whai wāhi atu ki te tautoko me te mahi ki te taha o ngā whānau hou.
E akiaki ana mātau i ngā whānau hou ki te haere ki ngā hui Purapura o tō rohe me te whakamōhio atu i ō hiahia.
Ko ētahi atu take ki te haere ki te Purapura:
Hai whakatau mēnā he hiahia nui ki te whakatū Kōhanga Reo ki taua takiwā.
Kia kite mēnā rānei he Kōhanga Reo kai te Purapura e taea ana te āwhina ki te whakatū.
Hai whakarite mō te hui, ko te whakaaro kia haere tahi atu koe, ō kaumātua me ngā whānau hou ki te kawe i ngā kōrero e whai ake nei:
Tokohia ngā mokopuna.
Ngā taumata reo Māori i roto i te whānau.
He whakaaro e tū ai te whare ki roto i te hapori.
Ngā pātai kai a koe mō te kaupapa.
Kia whiwhi koe i te tautoko a te Purapura, me whakapiri tonu ki a rātau me te pātai atu mehemea ka tukuna e rātau he reta tautoko māu mō te wāhanga Tūtohinga.
Purapura is a forum for all Kōhanga Reo whānau within to affirm whānaungatanga and strengthen Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Each Purapura is made up of a collective of Kōhanga Reo that are within close proximity, who meet to share ideas, strengths, and expertise.
Purapura consultation is key when identifying the needs for new Kōhanga Reo. They understand the establishment requirements and can contribute their operational experiences to support and work alongside the new whānau.
We encourage new whānau to attend your local Purapura hui and let them know of your intentions.
Other reasons for attending the Purapura:
To determine whether there is a genuine need for establishing a new Kōhanga Reo in that area
To see if there is a Kōhanga Reo in the Purapura that can help you set up
To prepare for the hui, it is recommended that you attend with your kaumātua and new whānau, and take along the following information:
Numbers of mokopuna
Fluency levels of Te Reo within the whānau
An idea of where you will be situated in the community (building)
Any questions you have about the Kaupapa
Once you have the support of the Purapura, keep in touch with them and ask if they would provide a letter of support for you during the Tūtohinga | Chartering stage.
Tūtohinga | Te Wāhanga Tūtohinga
Tutōhinga | Chartering stage
“Kia whēnua taurikura, kia whēnua houkura”
“Papatuānuku has prepared a place for you to grow and develop and prosper in her world”
Ka neke koe ki tēnei wāhanga ka kitea ana he tino hiahia ki te whakatū i tētahi Kōhanga Reo, ā, kai a koe te tautoko a te Purapura me Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo Tari ā-Rohe. Me whakarite e ngā whānau tētahi Mahere Mahi hai āwhina i a rātau ki te uru ki te Poari o Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo.
You will move to this stage when a genuine need to set up a Kōhanga Reo has been identified and you have the support of the Purapura and local Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Tari ā-Rohe. Whānau should now develop an Action Plan that helps them become chartered through Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board.
Me whakarite e te whānau tētahi hui kia kitea ngā mahi me whakaoti kia tūtohingia. Ko ētahi tangata matua me tono ki tēnei hui (atu i te whānau) ko ngā kaumātua me te kaimahi Kaupapa o te Tari ā-Rohe. Ka hiahia hoki pea koe kia tono i te Purapura kia tae atu. Kai wareware te whakamōhio atu ki te katoa te rā, te wā, te wāhi me te take o te hui.
The whānau should organise a whānau hui to identify what needs to be done to become Chartered. Some of the key people to invite to this hui (other than the whānau) are Kaumātua and the Tari ā-Rohe Kaupapa Kaimahi. You may also want to ask the Purapura to attend. Don’t forget to advise everyone of the date, time, venue and purpose of the hui.
I mua i tō tīmata, ka hiahia pea koe ki te whakatū i tētahi Heamana me tētahi Hekeretari mō te hui. Whakatau ana ēnei tāngata, me whakarite te rārangi take.
Ko ētahi wāhanga ka hiahia pea koe ki te kōrero i te rārangi take ko:
Te whakawhanaketanga o te Mahere Mahi – he aha ngā mea me whakaoti, mā wai, mā tēhea rā, me ētahi kōrero.
Te whare mō Te Kōhanga Reo hou. (mā te Tari ā-Rohe e āwhina)
Ka taea te whakarite hui ōpaki mā ngā tamariki/mokopuna?
He Kaiako, Kaiāwhina, Whānau rānei e wātea ana ki te āwhina?
Ko wai ngā tāngata ka āwhina ki te whakawhanake i te Tūtohinga? (tirohia te rārangi arowhai)
He aha ngā kōrero whakatūranga me ngā rauemi e wātea ana? (mā te Tari ā-Rohe e āwhina)
Āhea me pōti tētahi Heamana, Hekeretari, Kaitiaki Pūtea? (me whakarite i mua i te tūtohinga)
Hai āhea whai ai I ngā kaiwaitohu mō ngā pūtea pēke? (me whakarite i mua i te tūtohinga)
Ko ngā kōrero me ngā tuhinga te mea nui. Whakamōhiotia te katoa i ngā wā katoa, me tohatoha ngā kape o ngā meneti, ngā rēhita o te hunga tae atu me te mahere mahi kua whakawhanaketia.
Before you start, you may wish to appoint an interim Chairperson and Secretary for the hui. Once these people have been appointed, you should set the agenda.
Some areas you may want to cover in the agenda are:
Development of the Action Plan – what is to be done, by who, by what date, and comments
Whare for new Kōhanga Reo (Tari ā-Rohe can advise)
Can informal sessions be organised for the tamariki/mokopuna?
Are there Kaiako, Kaiāwhina, Whānau available to help?
Who are the people who will develop the Tūtohinga (Charter)? (refer to the checklist)
What establishment information and resources are readily available? (Tari ā-Rohe can advise)
When do we need to elect a Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer? (need to be in place before being chartered)
When do we need to open a bank account? (need to be in place before chartered)
When do we need signatories to the bank account? (need to be in place before chartered)
Communication and documentation are key. Keep everyone regularly informed and share copies of the minutes, attendance registers and the plan of action that has been developed.
Me whai wāhi atu te whānau katoa ki te whakawhanaketanga o te Tūtohinga. He tuhinga tipu haere tēnei tuhinga, ka tāpirihia, ka whakarerekēngia rānei e ngā whānau o ia Kōhanga Reo o roto i ngā tau.
The entire whānau must be involved with the development of the Tūtohinga. This document is an evolving document and will be added to or amended through the years by each practising Te Kōhanga Reo whānau.

Ka noho a Te Korowai hai puna kōrero ārahi mō te whānau. Ka whakapuakihia e Te Korowai ngā mātāpono, ngā kaupapa here, ngā whāinga me ngā mahi i ngā tuhinga tautoko e ahu mai ana i a Te Peka Matua (1990), Ngā tirotirohanga a te Whānau Wānanga (1982/1983), Ngā Mahi a Whānau Wānanga (Blue Book Syllabus 1984) me Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo.
I titoa kau a Te Korowai e Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ki te āwhina i ngā whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo, ngā hapū, iwi, me rātau e tauawhi ai i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ko ngā wāhanga matua o Te Korowai, ko:
Ngā Mātāpono, Ngā Matatika me ngā Here ki te Tiriti o Waitangi
Ngā Pou Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo
Ngā Whainga Motuhake
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (Revised 2017)
Te Ōrokohanganga mai o Te Korowai (1995)
Te Tūtohinga Whakatau (1995)
Establishing Kōhanga Reo (Revised 2020)
Tūtohinga Checklist (Revised 2007)
Te Tauria o Te Whare o Te Kōhanga Reo (2006)
Te Whakauru Whānau Hou (2006)
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo – He Whakamārama (2007)
Te Ara Tūāpae (2008 – 2033)
Te Wānanga Tuatahi o Te Kōhanga Reo (1982)
Te Kōhanga Reo Trust Certificate Syllabus (1983)
All About Purapura (2001)
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Training (2021)
Pātaka Kupu
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Contact Information
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Waiata Anthems
Te Korowai will be a guiding source of information for whānau. Te Korowai articulates the principles, policies, goals and practices from the supporting documents based on Te Peka Matua (1990), Ngā tirotirohanga a te Whānau Wānanga (1982/1983), Ngā Mahi a Whānau Wānanga (Blue Book Syllabus 1984) and Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo.
Te Korowai was compiled by Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust solely to assist Te Kōhanga Reo whānau, hapū, iwi, and those who embrace Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Key sections in Te Korowai include:
Ngā Mātāpono, Ngā Matatika me ngā Here ki te Tiriti o Waitangi
Ngā Pou Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo
Ngā Whainga Motuhake
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (Revised 2017)
Te Orokohanganga mai o Te Korowai (1995)
Te Tūtohinga Whakatau (1995)
Establishing Kōhanga Reo (Revised 2020)
Tūtohinga Checklist (Revised 2007)
Te Tauria o Te Whare o Te Kōhanga Reo (2006)
Te Whakauru Whānau Hou (2006)
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo – He Whakamārama (2007)
Te Ara Tūāpae (2008 – 2033)
Te Wānanga Tuatahi o Te Kōhanga Reo (1982)
Te Kōhanga Reo Trust Certificate Syllabus (1983)
All About Purapura (2001)
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Training (2021)
Pātaka Kupu
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Contact Information
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Waiata Anthems
Mā tō Kaimahi Kaupapa o te Tari ā-Rohe mā te Purapura rānei tō whānau e āwhina ki te whakaoti haere i te arowhai.
Ka kohi ana koe i ngā kōrero katoa e tika ana mō te Tūtohinga me te whakaatu ā hiko nei, ā tētahi atu ara rānei ki ngā whānau whai take, ko te Tūtohinga me te rārangi arowhai me tohu, ka hainatia e te Heamana ki tētahi hui ā whānau. Kātahi ka whakaaturia kia hainatia me tētahi reta nā te whānau ki te Tari ā-Rohe.
Ka tukuna e te Tari ā-Rohe te rārangi arowhai kua hainatia, te Tūtohinga, me te reta a te whānau ki te Kaitiaki Kōhanga Reo ā Motu kia tukuna atu mō te whakaaetanga ki te Poari o Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ā te hui kua whakaritea nei.
Ko te whakaputa i te nama hou motuhake mō Te Kōhanga Reo , me te Tohu Tūtohinga kua hainatia e te Kairangi, e te Heamana o te poari, te tikanga ia kua whakamanahia Te Kōhanga Reo ki Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo. Kia mau tika i tō Tūtohinga mō ngā mokopuna hai taonga nui mō te hītori o tō whānau, hapū me tō iwi.
Ko ngā Kōhanga Reo katoa i tēnei wā kai te hainatia e Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo kua raihanatia hoki e Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i raro i ngā ture mātauranga (Ratonga Ako Kōhungahunga)
E wātea ana te arotohu ki te paearu Raihana Kōhanga Reo i te Tari ā-Rohe.
Your local Tari ā-Rohe Kaupapa Kaimahi and / or Purapura can help your whānau work through the checklist.
When you have collated all the relevant information required for your Tūtohinga and presented it in either electronic form or other relevant to the whānau, the Tūtohinga and Checklist should be ticked off and signed by the Chairperson at a whānau hui. It then needs to be presented for sign off along with an accompanying letter from the whānau, to the local Tari ā-Rohe.
The Tari ā-Rohe will send the signed Checklist, the Tūtohinga and whānau letter of interest to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust to be presented for approval to the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board at its next scheduled meeting.
The issuing of a new Te Kōhanga Reo unique ID number and Tūtohinga Tohu (Certificate) signed by the Patron and Chairman of the Board, means the Kōhanga Reo is officially chartered to the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust. Please maintain your Tūtohinga well for your mokopuna, as valuable taonga for the history of your whānau, hapū, and iwi.
All Kōhanga Reo are currently chartered to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust and licensed by the Ministry of Education under the Education (Early Learning Services) Regulations 2008.
Guidance for Kōhanga Reo licensing criteria is available from the Tari ā-Rohe.