Tirohanga whānui
Kua whai whakaaro rānei koe ki te wāhi ki a koe hei tautoko i ō tamariki i te ara kōhanga reo? He akoranga arawhiti tēnei kia uru ai te tangata ki te hōtaka o Te Tohu Mātauranga Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga.
Te Whiwhinga: 120
Te wā tīmata: Huitanguru
Te wā mutu: Whiringa-ā-rangi
Te roa o te hōtaka: Kotahi tau (E toru tekau mā waru wiki)
Te utu o te hōtaka: TBC
Have you ever thought about how you could support your tamariki with their Kōhanga Reo journey? This programme is a bridging course for entry on to Te Tohu Mātauranga Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga programme.
Credits: 120
Start Date: February
End Date: November
Programme Length: One Year (38 weeks)
Programme Cost: TBC
Ka whakangungua ō pūkenga me ō mōhiotanga e hāngai ana ki:
You will build skills and knowledge of:
Te mokopuna e ako ana, e whanake ana hoki i te kōhanga reo
Te hāngai o te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo ki tā Te Korowai
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (te hōtaka ako mā ngā mokopuna)
Te whakawhanake rauemi
Mokopuna learning and development in a Kōhanga Reo setting
The application of te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo in Te Korowai
Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo (mokopuna learning programme)
Resource development
Ka āhei koe ki te:
You will be able to:
Whakatinana i ngā mahere ako, whakawhanake hoki e tautoko ana i te ako torowhārahi me te whanaketanga o ngā mokopuna
Whakaatu atu i te pānga o Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo ki te whakamahere, te arotake, me te urupare ki te ako me te whanaketanga o ngā mokopuna i Te Kōhanga Reo
Mahi tahi ki ngā kaiako me ngā whānau ki te whakatinana i ngā taiao ako e poipoi ana i te wairua, te hinengaro, te whatumanawa me te tinana o tēnā mokopuna, o tēnā mokopuna i te Kōhanga Reo
Mahi rangahau kia mārama ai ngā kaupapa kua tohua me te whakaatu atu i ngā hua ki te reo Māori
Whakamahi i ngā tikanga whakaaroaro, arotake hoki ki te tautohu i ngā mahi tika me ngā āhuatanga hei whakapakari kia tautokona ngā mahi ako, kokenga me ngā tutukitanga
Implement Māori learning and development plans that support the holistic learning and development of mokopuna
Demonstrate the application of Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo to plan, review and respond to the learning and development of mokopuna in Kōhanga Reo
Work alongside kaiako and whānau to implement learning environments that nurture the wairua, hinengaro, whatumanawa, and tinana of mokopuna in Kōhanga Reo
Carry out rangahau to understand designated topics and present findings in te reo Māori
Use reflection and review practices to identify good practice and areas for improvement to support their learning, progress, and achievement
Te āhua o tō ako
How you will study
He ako tōpū, tae atu ki te rā whakangungu kua whakaritea, te wānanga, te hui, te awheawhe, te tuihono, ki te taha o ngā pākeke me ngā kaumātua
Ki te kāinga
He ako tahi me tō whānau kōhanga reo, tō purapura rānei
Blended delivery including set training days, wānanga, hui, workshops, online, alongside pakeke and kaumātua
At home
With your Kōhanga Reo whānau or Purapura
Ngā paearu
Entry criteria
Ngā Paearu Kōwhiri Ākonga
E mana ai te kaitono ki tēnei hōtaka, me:
Tekau mā whitu tau neke atu te pakeke
Mātau ki te reo Māori
Whai hononga ki te whānau whāiti, te whānau whānui rānei o tētahi Kōhanga Reo
To enrol on this course, kaitono (applicants) must:
Be 17 years of age or older
Have competency in te reo Māori
Be a whānau member, or whānau whānui of a Kōhanga Reo