What’s happening with technology in 2024?
Our Technology Programme is all about improving the tools and systems Kōhanga Reo kaimahi and whānau use day-to-day.
Find out more about our key projects below or read the What’s happening with technology in 2024? one pager for an overview of our technology programme.
We’re inviting Kōhanga Reo Kaiwhakarite or Tiamana to request an alias to their formal email address which can be based on the name of their Kōhanga Reo. This provides a more personal and user-friendly email address to share with people who you engage with often.
All emails sent to the either the formal email address, or the more user friendly one will end up in the same inbox for the Kaiwhakarite to review.
Review the Frequently asked questions resources to learn more. Click here to open a video on Your frequently asked questions.
Complete the Request renaming of Kōhanga Reo email form and provide two potential options for a name-based email alias.
From late April 2024, Kōhanga Reo has moved to a new identity management system, which provides better security for our systems, data, and information. Whānau now have individual and role-based access to the systems and tools they need to do their mahi.

We’re also implementing single sign-on to make it easier for kaimahi and whānau to access the systems and tools they need. Initially Office 365 including email will be single sign-on with more systems becoming available over time.

As part of the transition, kaimahi and whānau will work through the:
Set up of single sign-on (creating a new password and setting up multi-factor authentication).
Introduction of Office 365, including One Drive.
Migration of their current Outlook mailboxes to cloud bases mailboxes with increased capacity and the ability to sign in anywhere.
The Trust is supporting this mahi by:
Managing the technical activities to enable individual and role-based access, including identity management in line with the Police cleared vetting status of kaimahi or whānau.
Providing change management, communications and learning support for the new processes and software.
Whānau can prepare for these changes by:
Cleaning out your email inbox and deleting old emails, junk, deleted items etc. to reduce the load to migrate.
Reviewing files that may be saved to the hard drive of Kōhanga Reo devices. This includes deleting any old files, and deciding which ones should be saved into One Drive.
Supporting resources
See the videos and guides to help you get started
Overview of KoAu – What this means for you
Read More
Introduction to Okta – video
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Activate your Okta account – guide
Read More
Introduction to Aku Mahi – video
Read More
This year, we’re rolling out new devices to Kōhanga Reo across the motu using the specific funding we have for this. After delays due to Covid, supply chain issues, and natural disasters, it’s all finally happening this year.

Our aim is to provide a consistent, modern technology environment across all Kōhanga Reo so that you have the hardware, software and networking services expected of a modern work environment. Better tools will help technology “get out of the way” and allow maximum focus on the needs of mokopuna and whānau.
We’ll work with whānau at each Kōhanga Reo to find out what type of devices will suit your needs, and then will place the orders and support delivery and set up of the new devices when they arrive.
Watch the video to hear about what’s on offer from Tumu Whakarae, Angus Hartley, Manager – Kaupapa Support Services, Sonny Thomas, and Procurement Manager, Ngarama Haerewa.
See the Product bundles and 2 degrees info guide and Brother printer flyer for more information about what’s available.
We’re working with Tari ā-Rohe to take a staged approach so that we can provide a good level of support throughout this process. We’ll arrange to spend time in each Tari ā-Rohe and at individual Kōhanga Reo to provide training and technical support as needed.
If you wish to purchase additional devices or peripherals (such as monitors, keyboards or mice), opt into a 2 degrees plan, or take up the Brother printer offer, then you will need to provide whānau hui minutes confirming that the deduction for the cost of these items can come from the drawdown.
A rebate option will be in place for those Kōhanga Reo who have recently purchased new devices through the Trust. See the Frequently Asked Questions for more information on the rebate process and criteria.
While Te Ara Hiko will be proactively booking calls with each Kōhanga Reo, there is also be a ‘Book a Call’ option for whānau to use to connect with technical support as needed.
Desktop computer setup guide
Desktop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new desktop device. -
Laptop computer setup guide
Laptop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new laptop device. -
Overview of email address options
Overview of email address options
Overview of email addresses with the implementation of KoAu. -
Tablet setup guide
Tablet setup guide
Unboxing and setting up a new tablet device. -
Technology Programme Update
Technology Programme Update
New technology rollout in Tāmaki Makaurau. -
Teams Background Setup Guide
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
179.3KB pdfReview these frequently asked questions to gain an understanding of what an email alias is, why we are offering these, how to request one, and more. -
Request renaming of Kohanga Reo email
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Your frequently asked questions about email alias
Click to Book a call with Te Ara Hiko.
We are looking forward to getting the new devices out to you!
Supporting resources
Learn365 has been confirmed as the new learning management system for Kōhanga Reo. This application works within SharePoint and Teams, and is a place to share learning resources, videos, and documents. Once we have progressed the technology changes above, we’ll begin to prepare a range of learning content to support kaimahi onboarding, induction, and role-based learning.
We’ll let you know when there is some initial content prepared for you to check out and we'll provide more detail about the functionality we will be using in due course.
If you have any pātai, comments or feedback about these projects, we’d love to hear from you - please contact [email protected].