Mō mātau
About us
Ka horapa a Te Waipounamu ki te haurua o te motu, ka kapi katoa i Te Waipounamu, tae atu ki Wharekauri.
Whā tekau tau e mahi ana, ka mihi tonu ki ngā kaumātua me ngā whānau kua whakapau kaha ki te whakatū i ngā Kōhanga Reo i tō mātau rohe, mō te whakaora i te reo Māori me te whakatipu i ngā mokopuna i roto i te ao Māori.
I tautokona, i ārahina tuatahitia e Ngā Tino Rangatiratanga ā-Rohe, e Ngā Tino Rangatiratanga ā-Takiwā anō hoki i raro i te Minita Take Māori o te wā, i a Ben Couch, nō ngā takutai o Rāpaki, o Ngāti Wheke, o Ngāi Tahu.
Mai anō i tana whakatūnga mai, e whitu tekau ngā Kōhanga Reo kua whakatuwheratia e tō mātau rohe, ā, e rua tekau mā whā ngā Kōhanga Reo kua rēhita i nāianei ki Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo, e rua tekau mā toru o ēnei e raihanatia ana, e whakahaerehia ana. I tēnei wā e mahi tahi ana mātau ki ngā whānau ki te whakatū i ngā Kōhanga Reo e rua anō.
E whā ngā Purapura, kai Te Tau Ihu, kai Waitaha, tae atu ki Wharekauri, ki Ōtepoti, ki Murihiku. Ko te Purapura, he kāhui o ngā Kōhanga Reo kai ō rātau rohe ake ka whakarato tautoko tētahi ki tētahi. Ka huihui tahi rātau ki te whakahaere i ngā momo huihuinga puta noa i te tau, arā, ko te whakawhanake ngaio, wānanga, hui, me te whakanui i ngā kaupapa motuhake. Nā te Purapura i whakakapi ai te Tino Rangatiratanga Unit o mua.
Ko tō mātau Tari ā-Rohe, kai Te Marae o Rehua, kai Ōtautahi.
Nau mai Tauiti mai. Nei ra te rohe o Te Wai Pounamu me Wharekauri.
Te Wai Pounamu geographically spreads over half the country and covers the entire South Island including Wharekauri, the Chatham Islands.
Forty-two years in the making we acknowledge the many Kaumatua and Whānau who contributed so much of their time and aroha to establishing the many Kōhanga Reo in our rohe, all for the purpose of revitalising te reo Māori and raising mokopuna in te ao Māori.
This mahi was originally supported and driven by Local Tino Rangatiratanga Unit’s (LTRU) and District Tino Rangatiratanga Unit (DTRU) under Māori Affairs Minister, Ben Couch, at the time, who was from the shores of Rāpaki, Ngāti Wheke, Ngāi Tahu.
Our rohe has opened 70 Kōhanga Reo since its inception and currently has 24 Kōhanga Reo registered to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust, of which 23 are licenced and operating. We are currently working with whānau to establish two more Kōhanga Reo.
We have four Purapura which are in Te Tau Ihu, Waitaha including Wharekauri, Ōtepoti and Murihiku. Purapura is a cluster of Kōhanga Reo in their respective areas that provide support to each other. They come together to hold various events throughout the year, including professional development wānanga, hui, and celebrate special occasions. The Purapura replaced the previous Tino Rangatiratanga Units.
Our Tari ā-Rohe | District Office is based at Rehua Marae in Christchurch.

Painui | News
Ā mātau nekenekehanga | Our activity
Review this calendar for activities and events planned for our rohe.
You must be logged in to see calendars. To see:
- What's happening in another rohe, go to the Ngā Rohe | Districts page, select a rohe and view their calendar.
- Key dates for holidays, funding deadlines and payments, special events and more as coordinated by the Trust, go to your Aku Mahi page and view the Trust key dates calendar.
Whakapā mai | Contact us
Te Wai Pounamu (D10)
Te Kiato Riwai Lounge Rehua Marae
79 Springfield Road
Saint Albans
Christchurch 8014
Phone: 03 375 4003
Email: Kaupapa Kaimahi, Nicole Keogh, [email protected]