Te Ara Tūāpae
Ko tēnei te huarahi
Ko te ara Tūāpae
Ko te reo kia tika
Ko te reo kia rere e
Ko te reo kia Māori
Whakamana i te reo
Te mokopuna me te whānau e
Whakamana i te kaupapa
Ko tā Te Kōhanga Reo rēhu
This is the path
The path towards the horizon
The language needs to be correct
The language needs to be heard far and wide
The language needs to be Māori in ethos
Honour the language
The children and the families
Honour the initiative
This is the vision statement of Te Kōhanga Reo
Ko Te Ara Tūāpae te rautaki tirohanga whakamua a te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo. I wānangatia te rautaki nei ki te taha o ngā whānau kōhanga reo me ngā kaumātua puta noa i te motu, ā, whakatauria ana kia rua tekau ma rima tau te roa e whakamahia ana (2008 - 2033), arā kia whakatipuranga kotahi te roa.
Ka rite hoki te arotake a te Poari i te āhua o te koke o te kaupapa e pā ana ki te whakarauora i te reo mo te whakapakari ake i ngā whānau. E whakaritea ana anō hoki ētahi whāinga e tutuki pai ai ngā wawata, ngā moemoeā o te whānau.
E toru ngā tino aronga o Te Ara Tūāpae e hāngai pū ana ki ngā mahi whakawhanake i te whānau, arā, ko te reo Māori, ko te whakawhanaunga, ko te whakakaha ake i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
He mea āta hanga Te Ara Tūāpae hei raranga i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te Kaupapa ki tētahi rehu kotahi.
Ka taea hoki e ngā kōhanga reo te waihanga tō rātou ake Ara Tūāpae hei huarahi whakatutuki I ō rātou ake whāinga, hei whakarite whāinga hou anō hoki.
Te Roanga ake.
Te Ara Tūāpae is the Strategic Plan of the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board. This plan was crafted alongside Kōhanga Reo families and elders from all over the country, it was decided that this plan would have a 25-year timeframe (2008 - 2033), in other words, one generation long.
An evaluation will be prepared from the Board regarding the progress of revitalising the language and its relationship with strengthening families. Other goals are also being prepared in order for the dreams and aspirations of families to be realised.
There are three focus areas of Te Ara Tūāpae relating directly to developing families, they are, the Māori language, strengthening relationships, and bolstering the Kōhanga Reo initiative.
Te Ara Tūāpae was carefully crafted to weave all aspects of the initiative into a single vision statement.
Kōhanga Reo are also able to create their own strategic plans as a path to achieve their own goals, to create new goals too.
The continuation.
Rongomai ana Te Aroha
Nō te Poari Matua te maringanui i riro ko tēnei kākahu te whārangi uhi mō Te Ara Tūāpae arā, a Rongomai ana Te Aroha. He mea whatu nā Ruby Emerson, hei tohu i tō tātou Kōhanga Reo e noho taratahi ana ki runga o Wharekauri. Ka rere hoki āna kupu whakamihi ki te tohunga raranga a Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa, i noho hei ihopūmanawa mōna. He huruhuru weka ēnei nō Wharekauri e whakarākei nei i tēnei kākahu Korowai.
The National Trust Board are honoured that this cloak, Rongomai ana Te Aroha, is the cover photo for Te Ara Tūāpae. It was woven by Ruby Emerson to represent our isolated Kōhanga Reo on the Chatham Islands. She acknowledges the expert weaver, Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa who was an inspiration to her. The feathers decorating this cloak are weka feathers from the Chatham Islands.

Te Ara Tūāpae
Strategic Plan 2008 – 2033
Nō te tau 2008, ka huri Te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ki tēnā rohe, ki tēnā rohe, me te aha, i whakaū anō ngā whānau kōhanga reo i tā rātau oati ki te kaupapa nei o Te Kōhanga Reo. Koinei i puta ai a Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga Reo, arā, te Tirohanga Whakamua a Te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ko tā mātau rautaki he ārahi, he whakatakoto i tētahi tūāpapa mō ā mātau mahi katoa, e whai nei ki te kōkiri i ā mātau whāinga rautaki, arā:
Ko te whakamana i te Reo me ōna Tikanga
No compromising Te ReoKo te whakamana i te Mokopuna me te Whānau
Empower and strengthen Mokopuna and WhānauKo te whakamana i te Kaupapa
Strengthen Te Kōhanga Reo Movement
He whakahirahira te tikanga o Te Ara Tūāpae. He pūhuitanga nō te:
Ara: Path
Tua: Beyond/Stand On
Pae: Horizon
Ko tā mātau mahere rautaki tēnei, ka mutu, ko tā mātau whāinga rongomaioro hai kawe i te kaupapa ki te anamata, ki tētahi ao pai noa ake mō ā tātau mokopuna me te kaupapa.
In 2008, Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board visited every district resulting in Kōhanga Reo whānau reaffirming their commitment to Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
This kōrero gave rise to Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga Reo, or the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Strategic Plan.
Our Strategic Plan guides and provides a foundation for all of our mahi, which aims to progress and achieve our three strategic objectives:
Ko te Whakamana i te Reo me ōna Tikanga
No compromising Te ReoKo te Whakamana i te Mokopuna me te Whānau
Empower and strengthen Mokopuna and WhānauKo te whakamana i te Kaupapa
Strengthen Te Kōhanga Reo Movement
The meaning of Te Ara Tūāpae is significant. It is made up of:
Ara: Path
Tua: Beyond/Stand On
Pae: Horizon
This is our Strategic Plan as well as our bold journey into the future; a future which is brighter and better for our mokopuna and Kaupapa.

Te Whāinga Rautaki Tuatahi: Whakamana i te reo, ahakoa te aha
Strategic Objectives 1: No compromising Te Reo
Ko ā mātau mahi i tēnei wāhanga e hāngai ana ki te:
Whakamana i te reo, ahakoa te aha
Whakahorapa i te reo kia māori ai
Poipoi i ngā pūkenga
Whakatinanatanga o Te Korowai
Te kounga o te kōhanga
Our mahi in this space is focused on:
No compromising Te Reo
Normalising Te Reo
Growing the skills
Application of Te Korowai
Kōhanga quality
Te Whāinga Rautaki Tuarua: Whakamana me te whakapakari i ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau
Strategic Objectives 2: Empower and strengthen mokopuna and whānau
Ko ā mātau mahi i tēnei wāhanga e hāngai ana ki te:
Whakamana me te whakapakari i ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau
Poipoi me te tipu
Whakaū i te kounga
Our mahi in this space is focused on:
Empowering and strengthening mokopuna and whānau
Nurturing and growth
Quality assurance
Te Whāinga Rautaki Tuatoru: Whakakaha ake i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo
Strategic Objectives 3: Strengthen Te Kōhanga Reo movement
Whakapakari i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo
Whakatipu i Te Kōhanga Reo
Whakamihi i te ahurei o Te Kōhanga Reo
Whakatairanga i ngā kaupapa a Te Kōhanga Reo
Strengthening Te Kōhanga Reo movement
Growing Te Kōhanga Reo
Recognition of Te Kōhanga Reo uniqueness
Promotion of Te Kōhanga Reo kaupapa
Tā mātau whāinga
Our goal
E te whānau, maimoatia ō tamariki, me whāngai ki te waiū, ki te kupu hoki
Poipoia rātau ki tō tātau tuakiritanga
Kia tipu rātau, kia tū pakari i ō rātau whānau, ō rātau hapū me ō rātau iwi
Whānau cherish your children, feed them on both the breast and on words
Nurture them within our cultural identity
So that they may grow and stand proud amongst their whānau, hapū, iwi
“He oha nā mua, he oha mā tai”
The resources of the past are the resources of the sea
Pēnei i ngā ngaru o te moana, he rere mutunga kore, he whati mutunga kore, ka timu, ka pari, mō ake tonu atu. Haramai nei he tai hou, ko tōna hoa haere ko mauri hou, hai tautoko i a tātau, hai whāngai i a tātau kia haumanu ai, he kawe taonga mai hai whakamīharo i a tātau.
Pēnei i ngā taonga, heke iho ki a tātau i roto i te wā, he mea ako mai e ō tātau rangatira, ō tātau kaiako, ā tātau tamariki, ā tātau mokopuna, mā roto mai hoki i ō tātau hononga, tētahi ki tētahi. Ka whakamahia tikahia ēnei taonga e tātau, mā te mahi tahi, te tuari tahi, mā reira hoki ka koke ngātahi te iwi.
Like the tides of the sea, forever ongoing, forever enduring, always receding – always returning. With each new tide, comes fresh life, to help support us, to help nourish and sustain us, bringing us new wonders to amaze and dazzle us.
Such as treasures, handed down to us over time, that are taught to us through our leaders, our teachers, our tamariki, our mokopuna and through our affiliations, one to another. We will put these taonga to good use, working together, sharing together, to help our people progress.
“Ko au koe, ko koe au”
I am you; you are me
Ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati. Ko tāku e kōingo nei mōu ko tāku e kōingo nei mōku.
Na reira, ko tāku e kōingo nei mōu ko te mutunga mai nei o te ora, nō te mea, koirā hoki tāku e kōingo nei mōku.
Mehemea ka whakatinanahia tēnei whakataukī e tātau katoa, ka mutu, mehemea ka tapatahi, ka kāpuia tātau, me pēhea e kore ai e tutuki.
Together we are as one: I only want for you, what I want for me.
Therefore, this must mean I only want the best for you, because I would only want the best for me.
If this whakataukī is fostered by each one of us and we pull together by working together, we are sure to succeed.
Ngā mokopuna
Tirohia ēnei mokopuna kōhanga reo – mō rātau a Te Ara Tūāpae. Kua pakeke ētahi o rātau, nā, mā rātau tēnei kaupapa e kawe ki tua.
Look at these Kōhanga Reo mokopuna – Te Ara Tūāpae is for them. Some of these mokopuna are now grown, and it will be their turn to carry this Kaupapa forward.
“Kei taka te para o ō mātua tīpuna”
Do not abandon the gifts bequeathed to you by your ancestors
Ki te kore e puritia e tātau ngā manako, ngā wawata me ngā moehewa o ō tātau tīpuna, arā, ko te āwhina i te iwi, ko te tautoko i a rātau, kia eke ai rātau ki te taumata e tika ana mō rātau; ka moumou noa iho i a tātau te hā o ō tātau tīpuna me tā rātau i mahi nui ai, i whakamomori ai – ka moumou noa iho.
If we do not uphold the hopes, the aspirations, the dreams of our ancestors, which is to go amongst our people to help them to support them, to be the best they can be. Then all that our ancestors had worked so hard for, all the courage they had expended will be in vain.
Te whāinga
Manaakitia ngā mokopuna e te whānau
Whāngaitia ki tā te ūkaipo, ki te kupu kōrero
Atawhaitia i roto i ngā tikanga
Kia tipu, kia tū tangata
I roto i te whānau, hapū, iwi
See our Te Ara Tūāpae document.