Tirohanga whānui
Ko tā Te Takaimatua he whakatakoto tūāpapa mō ngā pūkenga mātai me te whakawhanake aramahi. Mā te hōtaka nei e rite ai te ākonga ki te whai i te aramahi whakahaere ki tētahi kōhanga reo i te kāhui, mā te whakamahi i ngā pūkenga me ngā mōhiotanga whakahaere pakihi whānui me te hangarau.
Whiwhinga: 120
Te wā tīmata: Pēpuere
Te wā mutu: Noema
Te roa o te hōtaka: Kotahi tau (E toru tekau mā waru wiki)
Te utu o te hōtaka: TBC
Te Takaimatua provides a solid foundation of study skills, and career development. The programme also prepares ākonga for an administration career within affiliate Kōhanga Reo using skills and knowledge in general business administration and technology.
Credits: 120
Start Date: February
End Date: November
Programme Length: One Year (38 weeks)
Programme Cost: TBC
Ka whakangungua ō pūkenga me ō mōhiotanga e hāngai ana ki:
You will develop skills and knowledge of:
Ngā Pou e Whā (a Te Kōhanga Reo), arā, te takenga me te ahunga o te kaupapa nei o Te Kōhanga Reo
Te takenga me te whakapapa o te whakatūtanga o tētahi kōhanga reo kua tautuhitia
gā pūkenga me ngā mōhiotanga mātai paetoru, me te māia kia whakatutuki pai i te ara ako kua kōwhirihia, ā, i te wāhi mahi hoki
Ngā pūkenga pāhekoheko, whakawhiti kōrero hoki
Ngā pūkenga whakahaere pakihi pēnei i te tuhi meneti, te whakamahere pūtea me te whakauru mokopuna
Ngā mea e hāngai pū ana ki te whakahaere kōhanga reo pēnei i te Maramataka, Xero me te Netpay
Ngā Pou e Whā (a Te Kōhanga Reo), the background and orientation of Te Kohanga Reo movement
The background and history to the establishment of a specific Kōhanga Reo
Tertiary study skills and knowledge and confidence to succeed in your chosen studies and in the workplace
Interpersonal and communication skills
Business administration skills such as minute-taking, budgeting and mokopuna enrolment
Kōhanga Reo specific administration tools such as Maramataka, Xero and Netpay
Ka āhei koe ki te:
You will be able to:
Whakawhanake mahere whaiaro e hāngai ana ki te mātai me te aramahi
Whakawhanake pūkenga whakawhiti kōrero hai whakakaha i ngā pūkenga pāhekoheko
Whakataki ratonga e hāngai ana ki te whakahaere kaupapa mā ngā whānau me te whakarite tikanga whakahaere e matatika ana, e ngaio ana hoki
Whakakōrero i te whakaurunga mokopuna
Whakamahi i ngā momo whakahaere a Te Kōhanga Reo hi tautoko i ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau
Develop personal study and career plans
Develop communication skills to enhance interpersonal skills
Deliver kaupapa focused administration services to whānau as well as develop ethical and professional administrative practices
Become conversant with mokopuna enrolment
Use Te Kōhanga Reo administration tools to support mokopuna and whānau
Ka mutu ana tēnei hōtaka, ka whakawhiwhia te ākonga ki te:
At the end of this programme, ākonga will receive the:
NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 3)
NZ Certificate in Business Administration and Technology
(Level 4)
NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 3)
NZ Certificate in Business Administration and Technology
(Level 4)
Te āhua o tō ako
How will you study
Mā te tuihono me ngā wānanga kanohi ki te kanohi
Through online delivery and face to face wānanga
Ngā paeuru
Entry criteria
Ngā Paearu Kōwhiri Ākonga
E mana ai te kaitono ki tēnei hōtaka, me:
Tekau mā whitu tau neke atu te pakeke
Mau kē ngā pūkenga rorohiko matua
Tautoko tō ake whānau kōhanga reo
Kōingo ki te whai i ngā aramahi i te kōhanga reo
To enrol on this course, kaitono (applicants) must:
Be 17 years of age or older
Have basic computer skills
Be supported by your Kōhanga Reo whānau
Have a desire to pursue career pathways in Kōhanga Reo