Kupu whakataki
Ko Te Kōhanga Reo tētahi kaupapa e whai nei kia here kore te āhei a ngā mokopuna katoa ki tō rātau nā ao Māori. Ka kaha whai wāhi ngā whānau ki roto i te āhua o tā ngā tamariki ako me ngā whakahaere tonu o te Kōhanga Reo.
He wāhi nui tonu tō te Kōhanga Reo i roto i te whakarauoratanga o te iwi Māori. I a tātau ka titiro whakamua nei ki te kimi ara e ora ai te ao Māori, ko te Kōhanga Reo tonu tētahi waka whakaihiihi, whanake mutunga kore hoki hai whakatipu i ngā reanga e heke mai nei.
Te Kōhanga Reo is a movement that strives to ensure children have unrestricted access to their Māori world. Whānau actively participate in their children's learning and the operations of each Kōhanga Reo.
Te Kōhanga Reo remains critical to the revitalisation of the Māori nation. As we look to the future for ways to sustain Te Ao Māori, the Kōhanga Reo movement is an exciting and ever-evolving way to grow our future generations.
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
Ko wai Mātou | Why we exist

Tauākī Whakatutuki Ratonga
Hei mahi aroha, me whakarite e mātau he Tauākī Mahi (SSP) kia whakamōhio atu ki a koe he aha ā mātau mahi i roto i te tau kua hipa, i pēhea hoki te whāia o mātau i ō mātau whāinga.
Ko te arotake i tā mātau SSP-ā tau kia ako tonu i ngā mea e ngana ana mātau ki te whakatutuki, me ō mātau whāinga me ngā hua mō te tau ki runga i ā mātau rautaki matua e whakaatuhia ana i roto i tā mātau Te Ara Tūāpae, Mahere Rautaki.
Kua whakaritea hoki e mātau he whārangi kotahi me ētahi o ō mātau whakatutukinga i tuhia ki te SSP me ētahi atu puna.
2023 – Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust - Statement of Service Performance
Statement of Service Performance
As a charity we are required to prepare a Statement of Service Performance (SSP) to meet international accounting standards. The document also provides a useful basis for us to share information with whānau what we have done over the last year and how we have tracked against our goals.
Review our audited annual SSP to learn more about what we are striving to achieve, and our targets and results for the year against our key strategies as outlined in our Te Ara Tūāpae | Strategic plan.
We have also prepared a handy one pager with some of our key achievements as noted in the SSP and from other sources.
2023 – Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust - Statement of Service Performance
He kōrero anō? | Want to know more?
Tirohia te hononga ki, Mō Mātau page.
Tirohia tēnei hononga, Te Ara Tūāpae, mō ētahi anō kōrero e pā ana ki tā mātau mahere rautaki me ngā whāinga mō te ānamata.
Tirohia te hononga ki te whārangi o Te Poari Matua, o ngā Kaitiaki kia kite i ngā kōrero mō ngā tūranga o te Poari me ngā Kaitiaki o mua, o nāianei anō hoki.
See our Mō Mātau | About us page.
See our Te Ara Tūāpae | Strategic Plan page for more information about our strategic plan and goals for the future.
See our Te Poari Matua | Trustees page to find out more about the role of the Board and our Trustees, past and present.
Te Pātaka Ohanga (TPO)
Ko wai Mātou | Why we exist
I whakatūria a Te Pātaka Ohanga kia ahu whakamua ai ngā wawata arumoni o te whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo.
I te mea he motuhake, ā, e pupuri katoa ana i Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo (Te Tari Matua), kei a TPO te kawenga mō te whakahaere i ngā mahi ohaoha mō Te Tari Matua.
Manaakitia ngā mokopuna e te whānau. Whangaitia ki ta te ūkaipo, ki te kupu Kōrero, Atawhaitia I roto I ngā tīkanga, kia tipu, Kia tū tangata I roto I te whānau, I te hapū, I te iwi
Te Pātaka Ohanga was established to advance the commercial aspirations of the Kōhanga Reo whānau.
As an independent, wholly owned subsidiary of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust (the Trust), TPO is responsible for managing economic activities on behalf of the Trust.
Take care of the children, family. Nourish them with what mother has, with words. Raise them in the culture so they may grow to become formidable people within their family, their community and their people.
Tauākī Whakatutuki Ratonga
Ko te arotake i tā mātau SSP-ā tau kia ako tonu i ngā mea e ngana ana mātau ki te whakatutuki, me ō mātau whāinga me ngā hua mō te tau.
Kua whakaritea hoki e mātau he whārangi kotahi me ētahi o ō mātau whakatutukinga i tuhia ki te SSP me ētahi atu puna.
Statement of Service Performance
Review our audited annual Statement of Service Performance (SSP) to learn more about what we are striving to achieve, and our results for the year.
We have also prepared a handy one pager with some of our key achievements as noted in the SSP and from other sources.
He kōrero anō? | Want to know more?
Tirohia tēnei hononga, Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau, mō te roanga atu o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei hōtaka.
See our Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau | Mokopuna Health Programme page for more information about this programme.