Kupu whakataki
Te Whare Ako is the training and professional development arm of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
The training team within Te Whare Ako is responsible for the delivery of quality educational courses for Kaiako, Kaimahi and whānau within Te Kōhanga Reo across the motu.
Ko wai mā ka whakahaere i ō mahi ako?
Ka taka kingā ringaringa o ngā kaimahi o to tari ā-rohe ngā āhuatanga o te ako e ārahi, e āwhina i a koe kia ū rawa tō waka ako ki uta.
Ko tā te whānau kōhanga reo he āwhina, he whakaruruhau i a koe ki te whakatutuki pai i te katoa o ngā mahi o ia kete. Ka tohua anō hoki e rātou he kaiāwhina hei ārahi, hei poipoi i a koe ā tutuki noa ngā mahi. Mā te purapura koe e āwhina, e tautoko anō hoki ki ō hiahia.
Who is responsible for your training?
The training team in your local Tari ā-Rohe | District Office have the overall responsibility of ensuring that you complete your study successfully. They are your first point of contact.
Kōhanga Reo whānau also have a key role in providing advice and guidance to support ākonga from their Kōhanga Reo with their kete mahi and course requirements. The whānau also arrange for a kaiāwhina to act as a mentor. Kaiāwhina encourage, guide and support ākonga, and oversee their progress on behalf of the whānau. Purapura (Kōhanga Reo cluster groups) also provide extra support where required.
He kōrero whānui
Me he pātai āu, whakapā mai ki tēnei nama 0800 KŌHANGA (0800 564 2642) īmēra rānei ki [email protected].
General information
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 KŌHANGA (0800 564 2642) or email [email protected].

You can read more about our programmes of study below.
I te timatanga o ia tau o te ako ka whakarite ngā tari ā-rohe puta noa i te motu, he rā whakawhanaungatanga, ki konei ka whai māramatanga ki ngā whakaritenga o ngā akoranga, otirā ka whai tautoko anō hoki.
Mā ngā tari ā-rohe e whakapā atu ki ngā ākonga kua uru mai, ka whakamōhio atu i ngā whakaritenga mō ngā rā whakawhanaunga.
At the beginning of each study year, an induction is organised by the Tari ā-Rohe / Trust's District Offices across the country.
Induction days are used to introduce ākonga to our courses and provide up front ākonga support. Tari ā-Rohe will contact all enrolled ākonga and provide details for each induction.
Ko te mokopuna he taonga tino whakahirahira, ahakoa ōna tau, tōna whakapapa, tōna Ira tangata me ōna pūmanawatanga. Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust acknowledges the importance of supporting ākonga with impairments/disabilities. The Trust aims to provide inclusive and supportive learning environments for ākonga with learning impairments, aligning with the government’s priority for disability support in education.
As a kaupapa Māori organisation, the Trust embeds cultural values such as manaaki, tiaki, whanaungatanga, aroha, and atawhai in its approach to supporting ākonga with learning impairments. The Trust collaborates with Massey University to enhance the capability of kaimahi through specialised training programmes like the Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Education (Korowai Mokopuna).
For more information view the 2023-2024 Disability Action plan.
Ko Ngā Manu Pīrere ngā karahipi tuku a Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakawhiwhia ēnei karahipi ki ngā ākonga a Te Kōhanga Reo kua puta ngā ihu, ā, e whai ana i ngā akoranga a ngā whare wānanga.
Te Kōhanga Reo offers He Manu Pīrere no Te Kōhanga Reo | Scholarships. These scholarships are available to graduates of Te Kōhanga Reo who are undertaking tertiary study.
He ukiukinga mahi, he ukiukinga tau te āhua o ngā akoranga. Nā tēnei ka taea e koe te tono pūtea hei āwhina i ō mahi ako.
Haere ki www.studylink.govt.nz mō te roanga atu o ngā kōrero.
Our courses are all offered as full-time, full-year programmes. This means that you can access a Student Allowance and Student Loans to help with your study costs.
For more information go to www.studylink.govt.nz.
Ka taea e ngā ākonga te tono kāri i Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ko te kāri whakamana ākonga nei ka rite tonu ki tā ngā whare wānanga i whakawhiwhi ai, arā he whakaahua hei whakaatu ko wai koe me ōna hua anō hoki ka puta.
All ākonga will be able to apply for an ākonga ID card through Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
The ākonga ID card is similar to what is offered by other tertiary providers including photo ID and a range of benefits. Talk to your Kaiwhakaako or Pouako about how to apply.
He mea whakature tā ngā pirihimana tirotiro. He tikanga hōmiromiro haumarutanga tēnei me mātua whakatutuki e ngā kōhanga reo i te wā ka whai kaimahi hou rātou nā runga tonu i te āhua o te mahi tahi, o te tiaki tamariki kāore ō rātou mātua, ō rātou kaitiaki rānei i te kōhanga reo. Me mātua whakatutuki tēnei ture e te katoa o ngā pākeke e utua ana, he ākonga rānei rātou i te kōhanga reo. Ko tā te kōhanga reo haepapa i raro i te ture Children Act 2014, he whakatutuki i te tirohanga ā-ture.
Mehemea ka hiahia whakauru mai koe ki tētahi o ngā akoranga, ā, e whai mahi ana koe i tō kōhanga reo, ka noho tapu tō tirohanga ā-ture ki ngā kōnae a Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo. Whakapā atu ki tō tari ā-rohe ki te hiahia kōrero atu anō koe.
Police vetting is a legal requirement by government and is part of the safety checking process that all Kōhanga Reo must complete when employing or engaging staff whose work involves regular or overnight contact with children without parents or guardians being present. All adults in Kōhanga Reo who are paid or undertake an educational or training course must be police vetted. The Police vet is part of the Kōhanga Reo responsibility under the Children Act 2014.
If you are interested in enrolling in one of our courses and you are presently employed by your Kōhanga Reo then your current police vetting status is held on a confidential file at Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust. For further information contact your Tari ā-Rohe.
See our Tono Mātaitanga ā-Pirihimana | Police Vetting Application page for more information including frequently asked questions.