Te Kōhanga Reo me Te Aho Poutama
I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo i runga i te mahi tahi me Educa a ‘Te Aho Poutama’, he kaupapa matahiko motuhake mō te Kōhanga Reo kua hangaia hai hopu, hai tiri i te haerenga ako a ngā mokopuna ki ngā whānau.
Mā Te Aho Poutama e taea ai e te Kōhanga Reo te hopu i te haerenga a ngā mokopuna o te Kōhanga Reo me te hono atu ki ngā whānau i roto i tētahi taiao haumaru, me te whakamahi i te hangarau e taea ai te hono whānui ki ngā pārongo Kaupapa e hāngai ana. E mārō ana te hoahoa a Te Aho Poutama ki te kaupapa o te Kōhanga Reo, tae atu ki Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo | Marautanga.
“Mā te whakaaro Māori e hua ai ngā painga”
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust in collaboration with Educa, developed ‘Te Aho Poutama’, a Kōhanga Reo-specific digital platform designed to capture and share the mokopuna learning journey with whānau.
Te Aho Poutama enables Kōhanga Reo to capture the mokopuna Kōhanga Reo journey and connect with whānau in a secure, safe environment, using technology that enables wider connectivity for critical Kaupapa information. Te Aho Poutama design is consistent with Te Kōhanga Reo Kaupapa, including Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo | Curriculum.
“Mā te whakaaro Māori e hua ai ngā painga”
Kei te pīrangi koutou ki te ruku atu ki te pae Te Aho Poutama o tō whare kōhanga reo ake?
Tēnā whai mai I te tauira o raro iho nei ā, tuku tōtika atu ki a [email protected]. Mā Jake, mā Alex rānei koutou e tiaki.
Kia mōhio mai, me whai īmera motuhake ia kaimahi o te whare kōhanga reo e whai ara motuhake ai koutou katoa ki te pae o Te Aho Poutama.
Hei Tauira
Kōhanga Reo: Te Korowai Manaaki Te Kōhanga Reo
Ingoa: Shea Rogan
Īmera: [email protected]
Ki te hia wānanga koutou ko tō whare kōhanga reo mo te kaupapa nei, tēnā īmera mai ki a [email protected] ki reira mātau whakarite ai i tētehi hui ā ipurangi kotahi me te hawhe hāora te roa.
Nā mātau iti nei
Te Korowai Manaaki
Does your kōhanga reo want to sign up to your very own Te Aho Poutama website?
If so, please email all kaimahi names and email addresses to [email protected].
Please note it is important that each kaimahi have their own individual email address to ensure they are provided with their own individual login details.
For example
Kōhanga Reo: Te Korowai Manaaki Te Kōhanga Reo
Ingoa: Shea Rogan
Īmera: [email protected]
We also offer 1.5hr online training sessions for kaiako who may not have had an introduction to Te Aho Poutama. If your kōhanga reo is interested, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with your query or questions.
Nā mātau iti nei
Te Korowai Manaaki
Takahia te whenua ki ō taumata
Piupiu ō hope ki te mata ō hākoakoa
Tukua te aho kia hī ake te pūtiki ō hītori
Ko te mokopuna tonu te take mō te tuku kōrero, e hono ana i ngā reanga o ngā whānau o te Kōhanga Reo i runga i tētahi haerenga ia rā, ia marama, ia tau, ki te hanga i tētahi pānga ō mua.
Ko ngā hua ki ngā mokopuna
Ka hopuhia e Te Aho Poutama ngā huarahi ako a ngā mokopuna me te tono i ngā whānau ki te tiro, ki te tiri me te kōrero mō ā rātau kōrero, e hanga ai i te hītori me te hono i ngā reanga. Ka mau, ka tiri a Te Aho Poutama i ngā huarahi whakamīharo o ā mātau mokopuna ia rā.
Ka puta ana te mokopuna i te Kōhanga Reo, ka whai tā rātau kōtaha i a rātau i te kura. Ka mau tonu te whai wāhi atu a ngā whānau ki ngā kōtaha ka taea hoki te whakaputa tētahi kape pakeke mō ā rātau mauhanga.
The mokopuna continue to be the reason for casting their stories, connecting generations of whānau Kōhanga Reo on a journey each day, each month, each year, to shape a historical impact.
Benefits for mokopuna
Te Aho Poutama captures and shares the mokopuna learning journey and invites whānau to view, share, and comment on their stories, which creates history and connects generations. Te Aho Poutama stores and shares the remarkable journey our mokopuna take each day.
When the mokopuna graduates Kōhanga Reo their Te Aho Poutama profile can follow them onto Kura. The whānau also retain access to the profile and can produce a hard copy for their records.

Hīkoi tahi i te whenua nui
Hāere tahi i te whenua roa
Tukua te aho kia hō ake te pūtiki ō hītori
Ka wheako ngā whānau i tētahi haerenga i waenganui i ngā whakatipuranga mai i mua o te whare, ki muri o te whare, ki mua anō. Ka whakatauhia e mātau tētahi haerenga maruwehi mō ā mātau mokopuna.
Ko ngā hua ki ngā whānau
E wātea ana ki ngā whānau ngā kōrero hou mō te huarahi ako ka wheakotia e ā rātau mokopuna i roto i te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakarato a Te Aho Poutama i tētahi kaupapa e taea ai e ngā whānau te tiro, te tiri me te kōrero mō ngā akoranga e mahia ana e ā rātau mokopuna.
Hai toronga o Taku Whare Kōhanga Reo, ka taea e Te Aho Poutama te tautoko i ngā whānau kia tūhono mai me te mārama ki ngā kaupapa me te reo e whakamahia ana i roto i te hōtaka me ngā mahinga o ia rā o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ka whai wāhi atu ngā whānau ki ngā kaupapa here, ngā tikanga me ngā pānui kia noho kotahi tonu te puna pono mō ngā kōrero whakahirahira katoa.
Whānau experience an intergenerational journey from the front of our whare to the back and the back of our whare to the front. Together we establish an integral journey for our mokopuna organically.
Benefits for whānau
Whānau can keep up to date with the learning journey their mokopuna experience within Kōhanga Reo. Te Aho Poutama provides a platform that enables whānau to securely view, share, and comment on the learning their mokopuna is undertaking.
As an extension of Taku Whare Kōhanga Reo, Te Aho Poutama can support whānau engagement and understanding of the concepts and reo used in the daily programme and routines of the Kōhanga Reo.
It also provides whānau with access to policies, procedures, and pānui ensuring there is a single source of truth for all critical information.

Kawea ō whenua kupu
Waha ake te hau ō kupu
Tukua te aho kia hao te pūtiki ō hītori
Ka mahi tahi mātau ki te hanga i te oranga o tō tātau reo me ā tātau tikanga. Ka tipu mātau i roto i te whakaaro māori, ka whakakaha mātau i te mana o te ngākau māori, ka hono atu ki tō mātau wairua kaha kia ruku te tinana hai mokopuna kotahi e whakaae ana ki te taiao ahurei e hono ana ki te whakawhitinga atu ki Te Aho Matua.
Ko ngā hua ki ngā Kaiwhāngai, Kaipoipoi, Kaiārahi
Ka whakarato a Te Ara Poutama i tētahi tikanga mō ngā kaimahi ki te noho mōhio me te whai wāhi atu ki ngā whānau ki te huarahi ako a ngā tamariki. Kua whakaritea te pūnaha kia taea ai e ngā kaimahi te whakaata ki ngā huarahi ako i runga i ngā tikanga e tika ana e manawanui ana ki a Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo |Marautanga.
Ka whakarato hoki a Te Aho Poutama i te haumarutanga me te pono nui noa atu i ngā otinga utu kore pēnei i a Pukamata. Ko te taiao tūmataiti o Educa, he haumaru ake ngā kōrero mō ngā mokopuna, ā, ka wātea anake ki ngā whānau kua whakaaetia. Kua heke te utu anō hoki o Te Aho Poutama mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e Te Tari Matua.
Together we build and shape the very existence of our language and customs. We grow in indigenous thought, we strengthen the power of indigenous hearts, we connect with our mighty spirit to immerse the body as one unified mokopuna acknowledging the unique environment linked to transitioning to Te Aho Matua.
Benefits for Kaiwhāngai, Kaipoipoi, Kaiārahi
Te Aho Poutama provides a method for kaimahi to keep whānau informed and engaged in the mokopuna learning journey. The platform has been customised to ensure kaimahi can reflect the learning journey in a culturally appropriate way consistent with Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo | Curriculum.
Te Aho Poutama also provides greater security and integrity than free solutions such as Facebook groups. Educa’s closed environment means mokopuna details are safer and can only be seen by approved whānau. Te Aho Poutama has also been subsidised for Kōhanga Reo by the Trust.

Kia tuku i te aho o waka mokopuna kia hī ake te pūtiki o te ika oreore