Kupu whakataki
Ko te Kōhanga Reo, he here ā-whānau ki te reo me ōna tikanga.
Ka tū te whakaurutanga o ngā whānau me ngā mokopuna hou ki ia Kōhanga Reo, ā, he motuhaketanga tō ia Kōhanga Reo me ō rātau ake wawata, moemoeā hoki. Ko ngā mokopuna te manawa o taua moemoeā – koirā tō rātau mana motuhake. Ko te kaingākau ka whakakotahitia mai e mātau ka āwhina ki te whakatinana i te moemoeā, ko ngā piki me ngā heke ka tukia tahitia.
He huinga herenga ka whakaraupapahia e ia Kōhanga Reo tō rātau tūtohinga, ka tonohia e rātau ngā whānau ki te whakapau kaha hai wāhanga o tā rātau kaupapa whakauru.
Ka noho ko Ngā Pou e Whā hai wāhanga nui o te kōrero me ngā whānau hou.
Kōhanga Reo is a whānau commitment to te reo me ona tikanga.
Induction of new whānau and mokopuna happens in each Kōhanga Reo and each Kōhanga Reo has a uniqueness and their own aspirations and dreams. The mokopuna are the heart of that dream – it is their birthright. The value we bring together helps to turn the dream into reality, with the good times and the challenges all being faced together.
There are a set of obligations each Kōhanga Reo will outline in their tūtohinga (charter), which they will ask whānau to commit to as part of their induction programme.
Ngā Pou e wha will be a key part of the kōrero with new whānau.
Ngā Pou Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo
Mehemea tātou ka ū ki ēnei kaupapa here, ka hua mai
Ko te ora o te reo haere ake nei
Ko te ūkaipō o te ao Kōhanga Reo
Ko te manaaki a te whānau i te kaupapa
ko te mahitahi a te katoa o te whānau
Ko te kaha ake o te kauanuanu me te aroha o tētahi ki tētahi
Ko te tau o te rangimārie i waenganui i te katoa o te whānau
Te Pou 1. Ko te reo Māori anake i roto i Te Kōhanga Reo ia rā, ia rā
E taea ana e ngā mātua te ako i te taha o ngā mokopuna
He uara nui tō te kaumātua i roto i Te Kōhanga Reo
Ko te reo me ngā tikanga te tūāpapa o Te Kōhanga Reo
Ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo kia Māori
Te Pou 2. Ngā Whakahaere a te Whānau
Me whai wāhi te katoa o te whānau ki roto i ngā whakahaere o Te Kōhanga Reo, kia kapi ai ngā kaupapa katoa, mai i te Tūtohinga ki te ūkaipōtanga o te kōhanga reo
Me āwhina tētahi i tētahi
Me ako te katoa i ngā āhuatanga e pā ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo
Whakanuia te tangata i ngā wā katoa
He wāhi e tino rangona ana te tūrangahakoa inā uru atu te tangata ki roto i te Kōhanga Reo
Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore e whati
Te Pou 3. Kia Tū Tika, kia Tū Pono ki te Kaupapa Ngākaunuitia
tō tātou Atua
ā tātou mokopuna
ō tātou tīpuna
ō tātou whānau, hapū, iwi
a koe anō, tētahi ki tētahi hoki
Me whakaaro anō hoki te taha pūtea mai i te Kāwanatanga
Te Pou 4. Te Whaioranga, te Whakatūpato me te Taiao
Tauiratia ngā whanonga e ora pū ai te hinengaro, te wairua, te tinana o te mokopuna, engari me whakatūturu te tohu manaaki rangatira
Whakaahuru mōwaitia te ahurea o Te Kōhanga Reo:
Kia ngākau māhaki
Kia pai te wairua o te kōrero
Tiakina ngā mokopuna i runga i te rangimārie
Whāngaia ki ngā kai e tika ana
Kia auahi kore
Kai tupeka kore
Kai hiko kore
Kai rauhea kore
Kai waipiro kore
Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū

Mō ētahi atu kōrero, whakapā atu ki tō Tari ā-rohe – Tirohia a Whakapā Mai.
Kia kimi i ngā Kōhanga Reo e pātata ana ki a koe, tirohia te mahere a Tūwāhi o ngā Kōhanga Reo.
Mō ētahi atu kōrero, tirohia tā mātau whārangi Ngā Rohe.
Ki konei koe tiro ai i ngā ripoata a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga mō ia Kōhanga Reo:
To find out more, contact your local Tari ā-Rohe | District Office - see our Whakapā Mai | Contact Us page.
To look for Kōhanga Reo near you, view the Tūwāhi o Ngā Kōhanga Reo | Find a Kōhanga Reo map.
For more information, see our Ngā Rohe | District Office pages.
You can view Education Review Office (ERO) reports for individual Kōhanga Reo here: