Nau mai ki te whārangi pānui o Te Kōhanga Reo
Welcome to Te Kōhanga Reo Pānui | News
Ki konei kitea ai ngā pānui o te wā, e whakapāhō atu nei i ngā kaupapa nui whakaharahara o ngā Kōhanga Reo puta noa i te motu.
Ko Te Onetū, ko ngā kaupapa Utu Taurite me He Rau Timotimo ētahi o ngā tino pānui ka whakairihia ki tēnei whārangi, ka mutu, hokihoki tonu mai e kite ai koe i ngā kōrero hirahira mō tō tātou kaupapa huia kaimanawa.
Mehemea koe kai te hiahia toro atu ki ngā putanga o mua o He Rau Timotimo me Te Onetū, me whakapā atu ki te Ohu Whakapā, ki
Here you'll find the latest pānui about what's going on in Kōhanga Reo across the motu.
Our Pānui page is your gateway to staying informed on general news, key topics like pay parity, and Te Onetū and He Rau Timotimo newsletter releases. This is a place for information, inspiration and connection.
If you would like to access earlier issues of He Rau Timotimo or Te Onetū, please contact the Communications Team at