Kupu whakataki
Ki konei ka kite koe i ngā kōrero matua e tautoko ai i a koe ki te whakatū mahi mō ngā kaimahi hou.
I te mea ko koe te kaituku mahi, me whakarite ngā whānau ki te whakatū i tētahi tūranga, ki te kimi me te whakatū tangata tika mō tō Kōhanga Reo.
Here you’ll find key information to support you to establish employment for new kaimahi.
As the employer, whānau are required to establish a vacancy, recruit and appoint a suitable person to your Kōhanga Reo.
Ka whakarato tautoko Te Tari ā-Motu ki te whānau mā te:
Whakarato i ngā pae kia pānui atu i ngā tūranga wātea.
Whakarato tuhinga tauira mahi me ngā kirimana mahi.
Whakahaere i te arowhai a ngā Pirīhimana he wāhanga o te Tirohanga Haumaru Tamariki mō ngā kaimahi katoa o ngā tamariki.
Kia mahara: Tirohia tā mātau whārangi Tono Arowhai a ngā Pirīhimana mō ngā Patapatai Auau mō ngā Tirohanga Haumaru Tamariki me ngā Arowhai a ngā Pirīhimana.
Ka whakawhānuihia e Te Tari ā-Motu te whānuitanga o ngā tikanga me ngā huarahi i roto i te wā.
The Trust provides support to whānau by:
Providing a platform to advertise vacancies
Providing template job descriptions and employment agreements
Facilitating police vetting which is a component of a Child Safety Check for all children’s workers
Note: See our Tono Mātaitanga ā-Pirihimana | Police Vetting Application page for Frequently Asked Questions about Child Safety Checks and Police vetting.
The Trust will extend the range of procedures and resources over time.

Ngā Hātepe
Ngā Rauemi Matua
Key resources

Waihangahia he rārangi mahi
Tirohanga tukanga
Ka whakakīia e koe he puka e whakarato ana i ngā kōrero e tika ana mō te rārangi mahi ki te rōpū Whakawhitiwhiti, mā rātau e whakarite te rārangi mahi kia tāia ki tā mātau paetukutuku.
Kia mahara: Kai a koe te tikanga kia tukuna he whakaāhuatanga mahi paerewa ki tō rārangi mahi mēnā kua uru tō Kōhanga Reo ki te Utu Taurite, ka whakarite rānei i tētahi kape o te whakaāhuatanga mahi e tika ana hai whakapiri atu ki te rārangi mahi.
Create a job listing
Process overview
You’ll complete a form to provide the relevant details for the job listing to the Communications team, who will prepare the listing to be published on our website.
Note: You can choose to have a standard job description uploaded to your job listing if your Kōhanga Reo has opted into Pay Parity or prepare a copy of the relevant job description to attach to the listing.
Ngā Huarahi
Whāia ngā huarahi hai whakarite i ngā kōrero e hiahiatia ana mō te rārangi mahi kia tāia ki te paetukutuku a Te Kōhanga Reo.
Kia mahara: Ka taea e koe te whakakī i te tauira mō ngā taipitopito mahi i mua i te urunga atu ki te puka rārangi mahi tono mēnā e hiahia ana koe, me te tukuatu ka tae ana koe ki tērā wāhanga.
E whakauru ana i te tono rārangi mahi.
Whakaurua ngā kōrero hai tautuhi i tō Kōhanga Reo, tō rohe, me tō kōrero whakapiri.
Whakaurua ngā taipitopito mahi.
Whakaotia te tauira taipitopito mahi i roto i te puka hai whakaāhua i ngā kawenga matua, ngā paearu whakahirahira mō te mahi me ētahi atu taipitopito e whakaarohia ana i roto i te tauira.
Tiakina he kape o te tauira taipitopito mahi kua oti ki tō rorohiko.
Hoki atu ki te puka i timata ai koe ki te whakakī me te tuku i te tauira taipitopito mahi kua oti.
Tukuna te puka.
Kia mahara: Ka tukuna atu ki te rōpū Whakawhitiwhiti a Te Tari ā-Motu, mā rātau e arotake ngā kōrero kua hoatu me te hanga i te rārangi mahi mō te paetukutuku i roto i ngā rā mahi e rua. Ka whakapā atu rātau ki a koe mēnā he pātai ā rātau.
Follow these steps to prepare the information required for a job listing to be published to Te Kōhanga Reo website.
Note: You can fill out the Job details template before accessing the Request job listing form if you wish and just upload it when you come to that section.
Access Request job listing form.
Enter the details to identify your Kōhanga Reo, rohe and contact information.
Enter the basic job details.
Complete the Job details template within the form to describe the key responsibilities, essential criteria for the job and other details as suggested in the template.
Save a copy of the completed job details template to your computer.
Go back to the form that you started filling in and upload the completed job details template.
Submit the form.
Note: It will be sent to the Trust's Communications team who will review the information provided and create the job listing for the website within two business days. They will contact you if they have any questions.