Kupu whakataki
Kua whakapūmautia tō mātau tohu motuhake (waitohu) nā roto i tētahi haerenga whakahihiri o te kōrero me te hoahoa.
I hiahia mātau kia tohu ā mātau hoahoa i Te Kōhanga Reo, kia whakamanuhiri, kia whai wāhi mai hoki ō mātau whānau, mokopuna, ākonga, kaimahi, me ngā tāngata katoa e hiahia ana ki te hono mai ki a mātau.
Ina titiro mātau ki ngā whakaahua me ā rātau tohu, e mōhio ana ko mātau tērā.
Kai te manawa o tō mātau tohu motuhake, ko te tohu he taonga mō Te Kōhanga Reo. E toru hoki ā mātau kaupapa whakaahua motuhake e hono anō ana, e tohu ana i ā mātau mahi me ngā minenga matua e toro nei mātau.
Our visual identity (branding) has been established through an exciting journey of kōrero and design.
We wanted our designs to represent Te Kōhanga Reo and to be welcoming and engaging for our whānau, mokopuna, ākonga, kaimahi, and everyone who wants to connect with us.
When we look at these designs and what they represent, we know they are us.
At the heart of our visual identity is our tohu which is a taonga for Te Kōhanga Reo. We also have three distinct yet connected visual themes that represent our mahi and the key audiences we engage with.
Koinei ko:
Te Kaupapa (Kaupapa me Te Mana Whakahaere)
Mokopuna me te Whānau
Te Whare Ako (te Whakangunu me te Whakawhanake)
Ko ā mātau hoahoa e tohu ana i ō mātau kōrero, ka hono hoki ki te orokohanganga mai o ō mātau tūmanako me ō mātau wawata mō te anamata.
These are:
Te Kaupapa (Kaupapa and Trust Governance)
Mokopuna me te Whānau (Children and Families)
Te Whare Ako (Training and Development)
Our designs represent our stories and connect where we have come from with our hopes and aspirations for the future.

Tirohia te whakataki ki te ataata mō Te Tohu Motuhake o Te Kōhanga Reo e tohu ana i a Braidie Keelan – Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whakaruruhau.
Check out the Introduction to Kōhanga Reo Visual Identity video featuring Braidie Keelan - Te Kohanga Reo o Te Whakaruruhau.
I hangā tō mātau tohu i te tau 1983 e Michelle Brown nō Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Purapura Pai.
Ko tō mātau tohu e tohu ana i te rito mokopuna e noho kōhanga ana i roto i ngā ringaringa o ō rātau whānau. E whakaatu ana i Te Kōhanga Reo e manaaki ana i te katoa, e whakapūmau ana, e manako ana i tētahi anamata angitu. Ko te rito whānau e tohu ana i te māmā me te pāpā e tauawhi ana i ngā mokopuna, e poipoi ana i a rātau kia tipu, kia pai ai te noho hai rangatira hai ngā rā kai te heke mai mō te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ka pupuri te Poari o Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo i te mokopakihi mō te tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo. Me whai whakaaetanga i Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo ki te whakamahi i te tohu ahakoa te aha.
Tirohia ō mātau Tikanga Ratonga mō ētahi atu kōrero mō te mokopakihi me pēhea te tono whakaaetanga ki te whakamahi i tō mātau tohu.
Our tohu was designed in 1983 by Michelle Brown from Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Purapura Pai.
Our tohu represents te rito mokopuna nesting within the arms of their whānau. It depicts Te Kōhanga Reo as welcoming all, giving security and hope for a successful future. The rito whānau represents Māmā and Pāpā embracing mokopuna, nurturing them to grow and prosper to become future leaders of Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board maintains full trademark over the Te Kōhanga Reo tohu. Express permission must be obtained from the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust to use it in any way.
See our Tikanga Ratonga | Terms of service for more information about the trademark and how to request permission to use our tohu.
Ka whakamahia ā mātau whakaahua Te Kaupapa mō ā mātau tukanga whakahaere me ā mātau mahi whakahaere e tautoko ai i te kaupapa o Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo me te Poari.
Ko te tae pounamu, e mau ana i tō mātau tae matua o Te Kōhanga Reo e tohu ana i te manawanui me te kaha o te pounamu. Ka tohu hoki te tae pounamu i te tipu me te kaitiakitanga i runga i te taiao e whai oranga ai tātau
Our Te Kaupapa designs are used for our administrative processes and governance activities that support the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust and Board.
The deep green for this theme draws on our core Kōhanga Reo colour representing the endurance and strength of the pounamu. The deep green also represents growth and kaitiakitanga over the natural world that provides us with life.

Ko te tohu mō ngā mokopuna me te whānau he kaupapa kōpere. Ka tohu i te rongomaiwhiti, i te ngangahau me te kanorau o ngā mokopuna, me ngā Kōhanga Reo takitahi puta noa i te rohe me te motu.
Ka ahu mai hoki te kaupapa kōpere i a ‘Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira’ e whiri ai ki Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo me nga whakaahua nā Robyn Kahukiwa kai te wharenui ki tō mātau Tari Matua.
The designs for Mokopuna me te Whānau have a rainbow theme. They represent the uniqueness, vibrancy and diversity of our mokopuna, and our individual Kōhanga Reo across our rohe and the motu.
The rainbow theme also derives from ‘Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira’ that are interwoven in Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo and the portraits by Robyn Kahukiwa that are in the wharenui at Te Tari Matua, our National Office.

E tohu ana te kaupapa kōwhai/kākāriki i tō mātau pou whakangungu, whakawhanake hoki. Ka tohu te whakaahua me ngā tae i te tipu, te ako me te kawe i te āhua o te hiringa me te anga whakamua.
Ko tēnei whakaahua ehara i te mea ko ngā kōrero anake mai i Te Whare Ako. Engari, ka whai whakaaro ki te whakaaro whakamua mō ngā mea kai mua i ō mātau whānau, me ngā āheinga, te whakamana e tipu tahi ai mō mātau takitahi, ā, mō mātau katoa anō hoki.
The yellow/green theme represents our training and development pou. The design and colours represent growth and learning and convey a sense of hiringa (high energy) and forward movement.
This design incorporates not only the kōrero from Te Whare Ako but it takes into account the forward thinking about what lies ahead for our whānau, and the possibilities and empowerment that growth brings for as individuals and us as a whole.

E āhei ana ngā kaimahi me ngā whānau ki te takiuru e whai wāhi ai rātau ki ngā kōnae e mau ana i ngā tohu me ngā tauira nō te kete tohu motuhake e whakamārama ana i te whakamahinga o aua momo tohu rā.
Kaimahi and whānau can login to access branded documents and templates from the visual identity kete which includes guidance on using the various elements.