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Nau Mai, Hoki Mai!
Tēnā koutou, e te whānau,
Kei aku Rangatira, kei ngā ringa raupī o tō tātou kaupapa huia kaimanawa, nau mai, hoki mai rā. Ko te manako nui i whai wā koutou katoa ki te whakatā i te wā o ngā hararei, ka mutu, e hiamo ana ki te hoki mai anō ki te kaupapa, me te kuhu ki ngā mahi nui kei mua i te aroaro mō te tau 2025.
Nō reira, e te whānau, mauri ora!
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2025. We hope this pānui finds you and your whānau well-rested, re-energised, and ready to embrace the opportunities ahead in this new year.
As we step into 2025, we reflect on the challenges and achievements of the past year. We carry with us the memories of those we’ve lost, whose contributions inspire us to continue the work we do for our tamariki, and whānau.
Kia tōmua te kotahitanga, e tū tangata ai tātou i tēnei ao hurihuri.
This year, we look forward to building on the strength of our whānau and kaimahi. Together, we’ll continue to nurture our tamariki in an environment enriched with love, connection, and a shared vision for the future of Kōhanga Reo.
Important notices for the start of 2025
Office Reopening: Our head office reopened on Monday, 13th January 2025.
Support Services: Police Vetting and Attestation processing has resumed. Please get in touch if you need assistance.
0800 KŌHANGA (0800 564 2642): This line is available for all enquiries.
We are excited to welcome everyone back and encourage you to connect with your local Kōhanga Reo to ensure a smooth and positive start to the year.
Let’s begin this year with energy and hope as we continue to protect and grow the kaupapa for future generations.
Kia ngāwari, kia āio, kia mārohirohi tō haere i roto i ngā mahi o te tau. Kia aroha nui tonu tētahi ki tētahi, kia whītikina hoki tātou e ngā hīhī o Tama-nui-te-rā. Whātika ake ai, e te iwi, kia mau, kia ita, kia ū!
Ngā mihi nui,
Angus Hartley
Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive Officer
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
HRT No.68 - Welcome back to 2025…