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New Look Pay Parity Remittance Advice – Support and Resources

Kia Ora e te whānau,
The new look remittance advice for whānau who have opted into Pay Parity is now in place. This update has been made in response to whānau feedback, aiming to make remittance advices clearer and easier to understand.
Before we continue, we want to reassure whānau that your GST liability has not changed from what it was previously.
What has Changed?
All funding lines now include GST, and the Kaupapa Funding has been consolidated
The remittance advice now aligns with the payment advice in Edge
Pay Parity deductions remain the same – 65% (Te Kōhanga Reo contribution for salaries) and a variable percentage (ranging from 5% to 20%) for other kaimahi. Both are whānau contributions and include GST.
The amount received in your bank account and the amount paid to the IRD has not changed.
Support and Resources
To support whānau with these updates, we have created an ‘Accounting in Xero’ support page on the Kōhanga website. This page includes helpful resources to ensure correct GST accounting and guidance on getting the most out of Xero.
Important: To access the videos on the Xero support page, you must first log in to the Te Kōhanga Reo website. Upon logging in, you will be directed to your Aku Mahi dashboard. From there, return to this pānui and click the Xero support page link to access the resources.
Visit the Accounting in Xero support page by clicking here.
If you have any questions, our team is here to help:
For queries about your remittance advice or payment amount: [email protected]
For support using Xero: [email protected]
Ngā mihi nui,
Endorsed by the CE’s Office
Angus Hartley
Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive Officer
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
The new look remittance advice for whānau who have opted into Pay Parity is now in place…