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Te Onetū – December 2024

Kua taka te rā e hararei ai tātou, e hoki ai ngā mokopuna ki te wā kainga, e noho tahi ai hoki tātou ki ngā whānau me ngā hoa taupiri. Mā hea rawa e māuru ake ai te ngenge me te ruha? Mā te whakatā, mā te hararei me te mahi i ngā mahi e pārekareka ana ki te ngākau.
Kei te tau nihoroa i whati ai te ngākau, kei te tau uaua i porotēhi anō ai te Māori mo tōna mana motuhake, whakangaro atu rā. Kia pania te tau hou ki te āio, ki te mahurutanga me te māriri, e hoki tau, e hoki pai mai ai ngā whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo ki tōna kaupapa.
Karanga mai, e ngā hihi o Tama-nui-te-rā! Nau mai e ngā hua o te whenua, o te rangi, o uta, o tai. Kia pūhia tātou e ngā haumirimiri o ngā kainga maha, kia rangona te matemateaone, kia tōmua anō te whakaaro ki te oranga o te hinengaro, te tinana, te ngākau me te whatumanawa o te tangata.
E te iwi, haere ki te whakatā!
What a year it has been, e te whānau, as we shut down our Kōhanga Reo and only the echoes of our mokopuna, tamariki remain as they leave for the holiday break with their whānau. We say goodbye to 2024 and all of its trials and tribulations, and the shadows cast by the loss of our many leaders, Kuia, Koroua, mothers and fathers, young ones gone too soon, and those mokopuna whose spirits were whisked away. May our tears heal the pain in our hearts and cleanse our spirits.
Looking to the new year we welcome the rays of the sun, and hope for the abundance of nature as we head home to spend time with whānau. We pray for the less fortunate and continue to think of those who are facing hardship, and hope to create more resilient communities that foster a sense of belonging and worth for all.
E te whānau, e whakanui ana Te Onetū i te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo me ōnā āhuatanga pārekareka katoa. He pānui tēnei e whakanui nei i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga, e whakamana ana i ngā mokopuna o Te Kōhanga Reo me te whānau, e whakamana hoki ana i tō tātou kaupapa huia kaimanawa. Koinei tētahi o ngā haepapa e whakatinana nei i Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Welcome back to our e-pānui “Te Onetū” as we showcase and celebrate the kaupapa of Kōhanga Reo. Its purpose is aligned with Te Ara Tūāpae o Te Kōhanga as a strategic plan to strengthen and celebrate:
• Our language and tikanga
• Our mokopuna and whānau
• Our kaupapa and its purpose
A bi-monthly publication that will incorporate video and print to bring to life and promote the wonderful kaupapa that is happening within Kōhanga Reo and around the motu for our reo, with whānau and mokopuna. A small snapshot of only a few of the kaupapa that has been happening in the world Kōhanga Reo and Te Ao Māori.

Meri Kirihimete!
Kei aku rangatira huri noa i te motu, tēnā koutou katoa.
He tau uaua te tau, he tau nihoroa te tau, he taumaha te tau.
E Rangi, kei taku Ariki Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero Te Tuawhitu, kei aku rau tītapu e Tītoki, Piki, Hera, Huia me ngā Kōkō Tangiwai i motu ai te taringa, haere, whakangaro atu rā. He hoa taupiri, he makau, he whānau ka mahue mai nei, eaoia, mā mātou, mā ō koutou mahuetanga iho te paetawhiti o te kaupapa e whakatata, kia renarena tonu te taukaea o te aroha, kia ita tonu te mana Māori Motuhake.
Kei te kotahitanga te tino rangatiratanga o te kaupapa. Toitū Te Kōhanga Reo!
Ahakoa ngā poautinitini o te tau me ngā wā maha i patua kinotia tō tātou kaupapa e te auhi o mate, i mātātoa, i mārohirohi, i aumangea tonu te tū. E mihi ana ki te kaha i whakatauiratia mai e koutou, ka mutu, kia whakataukī ake ahau i konei; “Hui tātou ka tū, wehewehe tātou ka hinga.” Koinei tētahi o ngā āhuatanga e tū kaha ai te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo, e whanake ai hoki ngā mokopuna i roto i tō rātou ao Māori.
Kei ngā manu ariki whakatakapōkai o te kaupapa, kei ngā ringa whatiwhati kō o ngā Kōhanga Reo puta noa i Aotearoa, nei au ka mihi.
As we draw close to the end of 2024, we take a moment to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the year. It has been a year of hardship, scarcity, and heaviness for many of us, and we acknowledge the loved ones who have passed from our midst, including Kīngi Tuheitia, Aunty Titoki and Nanny Piki, Nanny Huia, Nanny Hera and the long list of names of those who dedicated their lives to Kōhanga reo and Te Ao Māori. Their presence and contributions to our kaupapa will never be forgotten, and we carry their legacy forward.
Through all the challenges we’ve faced, the strength, aroha, and resilience of our whānau have shone through. Together, we’ve supported one another and continued to uphold the kaupapa and whānaungatana that makes Te Kōhanga Reo so special.
As we look ahead to 2025, we embrace the promise of new opportunities, strengthened connections, and our shared commitment to the kaupapa of Kōhanga Reo. Together, we will continue to uphold the mana of te reo Māori, our tikanga, and our aspirations for the future.
Please join us in watching our Christmas video, celebrating the year that has been and looking forward to what’s to come….
Te hui rautaki reo ki ngā tāngata whenua o Hawaii
Reo strategy with the indigenous people of Hawaii
E rongonui ana te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo ki te ao mō āna mahi nui ki te whakarauora i te reo me te whakapakari i te whānau. He tauira mīharo tēnei kaupapa ki ngā iwi taketake o te ao e whai ana ki te tiaki i ō rātou tikanga me ō rātou reo.
Kua whakanuia te Kōhanga Reo e te ao mō āna mahi ki te whakaora i te reo Māori me te whakahou i ngā tikanga tuku iho mā roto i te whakatipu tamariki i roto i ao e noho nei rātou. I ngā tau kua hori i haere te Kōhanga Reo ki te United Nations i New York ki te tuku me te whakaatu i ngā kōrero mō ngā tikanga tuku iho mō te whakatipu tamariki, me ngā rongoā auaha hei poipoi i te reo me te ahurea i roto i te kura pōkai reo.
I tae mai tētahi rōpū kaiako me ngā māngai nō Hawai‘i ki Aotearoa ki te ako i te whakaurunga o te Kaupapa Māori ki ngā āheinga kāwanatanga, e taea ai e rātou ētahi pūnaha whakahaere motuhake te waihanga.
I puta te mārama ki tā te Māori maringa nui i Aotearoa nei, inara, he maha ngā kōrero i puta i te wānanga ki ngā Kanaka Māoli o Hawaii mō ngā mano pūnaha e aupēhi tonu nei i ngā tāngata taketake o tō rātou whenua, ka mutu. I te tau 1983 i whakatūria te Pūnana Leo tuatahi, kotahi tau noa iho i muri mai i te Kōhanga Reo tuatahi, arā, ko Pukeatua i Wainuiomata i te tau 1982.
Pēnei i ngā kuia me ngā kaumātua o te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo, i mate ngā Kanaka Māoli ki te waihanga i tō rātou ake marautanga ako. I te wherereitanga o te kaupapa i mate ngā Kanaka Māoli ki te whakamāori i ngā rauemi reo Pākehā, te hanga rauemi hou, me te raweke horopaki e hāngai ai ngā āhuatanga katoa o tō rātou taiao ki ngā mokopuna e whakaako nei rātou. I te nuinga o te wā i noho ngā kaiako me ngā mokopuna ki waho, ā, i whakamahia te taiao hei wāhi ako, inara, ko te taiao te tino rauemi ki ngā iwi taketake puta noa i te ao, ā mohoa noa nei. I ēnei rā nei, ka āhukahukatia Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo e ngā iwi taketake e whai nei kia māori ake ai ō rātou marautanga, inara, koinei tētahi tuāpapa e tutuki ai ngā mātāpono e wawatatia ana e rātou.
He maha tonu ngā raru e aupēhi nei i ngā Kanaka Māoli, ka mutu, ko te whakatipu kaiako, te waihanga rauemi, me te whakarato i te urunga ki te ōlelo Hawai‘i ngā take nui hei aro mā rātou. Ahakoa te maha o ngā taumahatanga, e hiamo ana tēnei roopu nō Hawai‘i ki te āta tirotiro i te angitū o te Mātauranga Māori, mā roto i te Kōhanga Reo, te Kura Kaupapa Māori, te Kura ā Iwi, me te Whare Wānanga. Mā te mahi tahi a tētahi iwi taketake ki tētahi atu iwi taketake, ka ao ngā wawata, ka ea ngā moemoeā, ka mutu, hei te wā tītoki ka mārama anō te hirahira o ngā marautanga ako pēnei e ngā Kāwanatanga puta noa i te ao.
Ko te whakataunga o te hui, kia nui ake ngā kōrero, kia whai whakaaweawe, kia maia, ā, kia hāngai, kia kore e whakamā i ngā whakatau e pai ai te hapori me te oranga tonutanga o ō rātou reo taketake.
The Kōhanga Reo movement is world renowned in education circles for its pivotal role in revitalising te reo Māori and transforming whānau through our tikanga and whanaungatanga. It serves as an inspiring example for indigenous peoples worldwide who strive to preserve their language, traditions and way of life.
Kōhanga Reo has received international recognition for its simple yet seemly innovative approaches to language revitalisation and whānau transformation. Te Kōhanga Reo shared its insights when they were invited to speak at the United Nations in New York on traditional child-rearing practices, and the acknowledgement of a Māori perspective to revitalise language and culture within the framework of a language learning nest.
A group of passionate Hawaiian educators and officials recently visited Aotearoa to learn how Kaupapa Māori has been embedded within government systems, to create a self-management model that supports the survival and development of te reo and thereby Te Ao Māori within a westernised system.
Hosting our Hawaiian whanaunga to support their own language strategy is one of the ways we can honor the legacy of those Kaumātua who provided the blueprint for Kōhanga Reo. The first Hawaiian Pūnana Leo was established in 1983, just one year after the first Kōhanga Reo, Pukeatua, opened in 1982 in Wainuiomata.
Like Kōhanga Reo, Pūnana Leo had to develop its own curriculum, like Te Whāriki, and create resources from scratch. In its early days, many of their resources were English books adapted with Hawaiian language taped over the original words – a process reminiscent of our kuia and koroua creating teaching materials and using the natural environment as their classroom.
The ongoing challenges of growing kaiako (teachers), creating resources, and providing access to ‘ōlelo Hawai ‘i, (Hawaiian language) are familiar to us. The ability of Māori education initiatives, such as Kōhanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kura ā Iwi and Whare Wānanga to integrate into the established systems under Mātauranga Māori is a source of hope for our Hawaiian whānau. In contrast, the Hawaiian education system is highly centralised, with a single board and a union structure that can be difficult to adapt or reform.
The consensus from the hui was clear for our Hawaiian whānau: that there is a need for more kōrero to inspire bold and unapologetic decision-making to ensure the survival of the Hawaiian language, and the flow on effect it will have on the well-being of their communities and the survival and prosperity of the Hawaiian culture.
Moana Reo Māori 2
Toia tapotu ki te moana, mā wai e tō? Mā te Kōhanga Reo e tō!
I whakanuia ngā whānau me ngā mokopuna o te purapura o Te Rahuitanga me Te Awatea Hou ki Te Upoko o Te Ika mā te haere atu ki te mātaki ia Moana 2 reo Māori.
Tuia ki tēnei ko te whakanui ngā Kōhanga Reo o Tītahi Bay, Ngā Kawai, Ngaio, Horouta, Manawanui, Takapu, Te Toka Ahuru, Pukerau, Ngahauranga, Waikato Tairāwhiti meTararua ki Paraparaumu, i tō rātou huringa whā tekau.
Kātahi te kaupapa ātaahua ko tēnei, inara, e whakakotahi ana ēnei Kōhanga Reo i runga i te whakaaro tahi, i raro tonu i te maru o te reo Māori me te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Meri Kirihimete, e te whānau, me ngā mihi nui o te tau hou Pākeha ki a koutou katoa!
Kōhanga Reo from Te Rahuitanga and Te Awatea Hou Purapura in Wellington celebrated their 40th birthdays with a trip to the movies, to watch Moana Reo Māori 2. It was a great event, bringing together our whānau and mokopuna to celebrate te reo Māori and the amazing milestone achieved by all Kōhanga Reo in their two Purapura.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year, e te whānau.
A special visit from Te Kōhanga Reo o Heretaunga
The highlight of the visit was the mokopuna experiencing the whare Kōhanga Reo – a space that holds deep significance for our movement. Their energy, curiosity, and joy reminded us why the mahi we do is so important. From waiata to playtime, the mokopuna truly brought Tari Matua to life!
As part of their trip, they also enjoyed the magic of Wellington’s city lights, creating memories to treasure for years to come. We loved having the opportunity to meet the mokopuna and their whānau, and it was heartwarming to see them embracing the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo.
Ngā mihi nui to Te Kōhanga Reo o Heretaunga for choosing to spend the day with us. Your visit was a reminder of the strength and beauty of our mokopuna led future.
We look forward to welcoming more kōhanga whānau in the future.
Te Mokotini o Ngāti Kahungunu
Nō te 2 o Tihema tū ai te Mokotini o Ngāti Kahungunu, ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga. I muia te Kura e ngā kaitautoko maha, mai i ngā whānau o ngā mokopuna, tae atu rā ki ngā kaumātua, ngā hoa taupiri me ngā kaimahi Kōhanga reo o te rohe tonu.
Neke atu i te rua tekau ngā Kōhanga Reo i tū ki te whatārangi whakangahau ai, ka mutu, neke atu i te 400 ngā mokopuna i tū ki te mura o te ahi.
I mīharo te rangi, ā, inā te maha o ngā āhuatanga whakahirahira hei whakaoti mā ngā tamariki me ō rātou whānau. Mai i ngā mahi peita kanohi ki te eke tereina, mai i ngā whare pekepeke tae noa atu ki ngā mahi haka. Mei kore ake ngā ringa hāpai o te kaupapa i hirahira te rangi, ka mutu, e mihi tonu ana ki te hunga i whakapetongoi kia tutuki te kaupapa o te rā.
Kei ngā tohunga o te manaaki, kei ngā kaiārahi raupī i te tini, Kahungunu ringa hora, tēnā koutou.
On the 2nd of December Ngāti Kahungunu hosted its Mokotini festival, at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga. The hall was packed with parents, friends and whānau, all excited to watch their tamariki mokopuna hit the stage and witness the hard work of each Kōhanga Reo who had been working towards their Mokotini performances.
Over 20 Kōhanga Reo from the Ngāti Kahungunu region performed, and over 400 mokopuna eagerly hit the stage to entertain and perform for their whānau and friends. The festival was jam packed with awesome performances and exciting activities, such as train rides, face painting, bouncy castles and more.
Te Mokotini o Te Tairāwhiti
Nō te 28 o Noema tū ai te Mokotini o Te Tairāwhiti, ki te marae o Te Poho o Rawiri. I mangu pai te marae i ngā hoa, i ngā kaimahi o te kaupapa me ngā whānau o ngā mokopuna, ka mutu, i tiakina te kaupapa e Ngāti Oneone, e ngā ringarehe o te pā me te whānau whānui o te marae o Te Poho o Rawiri.
Tekau ngā Kōhanga Reo i tū ki te whatārangi o Te Mokotini, ā, neke atu i te 200 ngā mokopuna i whakatutū i te puehu, i whakangahau i te iwi. Katoa ēnei Kōhanga Reo no roto mai i te rohenga o Te Tairāwhiti, mai i Potikirua ki Te Toka a Taiau.
Hei tā tētahi o ngā mātua nō Te Kōhanga Reo; “Mārakerake ana te kite i te whanaketanga o te māia i roto i ngā tamariki, i a rātou ka tū ki ngā kaupapa pēnei. Koinei tētahi ara e ngākaunui ai ngā mokopuna ki ngā taonga uriuri o te taiao e noho nei rātou, ka mutu, koinei te ara e tū Māori ai ngā mokopuna, hei tirohanga mō te ao katoa.”
Kei ngā tohunga o te manaaki, kei te whānau o te pā o Te Poho o Rawiri, me pēhea e kore ai e mihi ki te taumata i eke ai tō tātou hui whakahirahira, me pēhea e kore ai hoki e mihia te rangatira o ngā mahi i oti i a koutou. Kei aku kaupoi i mau ai ngā whatu, ngā taringa me te ngākau o te iwi, ka rewa te pōtae.
On the 28th of November Te Tairāwhiti hosted the Mokotini festival at Te Poho o Rawiri marae. Many from across the region and beyond attended this auspicious event in support of all the tamariki mokopuna who performed, and this event was organised and hosted by Ngāti Oneone and the many kaimahi and kaiāwhina of Te Poho o Rawiri marae.
Ten Kōhanga Reo performed at this years Mokotini, and over 200 mokopuna crossed the stage to perform for their whānau and entertain the masses, and all ten Kōhanga Reo belonged to the Tairāwhiti region, stretching from Potikirua to Te Toka a Taiau.
Some parents told us that they are grateful for opportunities like this, where their tamariki and all Kōhanga Reo mokopuna experience performing on stage. Mokotini is a kaupapa that serves to grow confidence among little people, and it gives them the opportunity to practice their Māoritanga, and to stand proud in the Māori world they are being raised in.
Kua taka te rā e hararei ai tātou, e hoki ai ngā mokopuna ki te wā kainga, e noho tahi ai hoki tātou ki ngā whānau me ngā hoa taupiri