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Updated Pay Parity Schedule
When we introduced the Kaimahi Pay Scale as part of the transition to Pay Parity, we highlighted that it was loosely aligned to the Pay Scales of Kaimahi in other full immersion setting such as Kura.
While our Pay Scale is unique to Kōhanga Reo, our aim had been for our Pay Scale to maintain parity with Kaimahi in these settings, particularly for Kaiako. Our Pay Scale also aims to ensure that our many Kaiawhina are able to see their salaries maintain parity with the Living Wage where possible.
Our Updated Kaimahi Pay Scale achieves these aims with all steps on the Pay Scale adjusting upwards based on movements in Kaimahi pay in other full immersion settings and the Living Wage. You can find the updated Pay Scale in the table below.
The Updated Pay Scale will be back paid to 1 November 2023 for Kaimahi that have been part of Pay Parity since November 2023 and will also be applied to those that join from March 2024 onwards.
The process going forward is effectively twofold:
The first is to move all current Kaimahi to the new Pay Scale; and
The second is to run the backpay to 1 November 2023.
We will be transitioning all current Kaimahi to the new Pay Scale from Monday the 25th of March. Once this has occurred, we will begin to process the backpays later that week.
This process is more complex as it includes Kaimahi that may have ended their employment between November and the end of 2023 and Kaimahi that started at the beginning of 2024 which are both pro-rated payments along with Kaimahi that have been participating through the full period. Your Kaiwhakarite-ā-Rohe are currently checking all your relevant Kaimahi information to ensure that you are placed correctly on the updated Pay Scale.
Updated Kaimahi Pay Scale (to be backdated to November 2023)
2023 2023/24
Kaiawhina 1 $49,200 $54,080
Kaiawhina 2 $52,000 $57,000
Kaiawhina 3 $54,000 $59,000
Kaiawhina 4 $57,000 $62,500
Kaiwhakarite 1 $54,000 $59,000
Kaiwhakarite 2 $56,500 $62,000
Kaiako $58,000 $66,000
Kaiako 1 $59,358 $71,027
Kaiako 2 $61,544 $73,948
Kaiako 3 $63,948 $76,133
Kaiako 4 $66,133 $80,122
Kaiako 5 $69,794 $84,512
Kaiako 6 $73,776 $89,213
Kaiako 7 $82,040 $99,545
Kaiako 8 $91,190 $106,245
Kaiako 9 $99,413 $111,216
For any enquiries, please contact your Kaiwhakarite-ā-Rohe.
Nāku noa, nā
Angus Hartley
Tumu Whakarae
Chief Executive