He Manu Pīrere nō Te Kōhanga Reo
E tautoko ana ēnei karahipi i ngā mokopuna o Te Kōhanga Reo e whai ana i te mātauranga i roto i ngā whare wānanga, ngā kura tini, ngā kura takiura me ngā ara mahi ringa raupā.
Tirohia ngā aratohu mō ngā whare mātauranga (tertiary) me ngā mahi ringa raupā (trades), āta pānui hoki i ngā pātai matawhānui (frequently asked questions). E iri ana hoki ngā kaiwhiwhi karahipi ō mua (past scholarship recipients) hei tirohanga mā koutou.
Tertiary Scholarships
The annual He Manu Pīrere nō te Kōhanga Reo Scholarships are intended to support graduates of Kōhanga Reo that are currently enrolled for full-time study in a New Zealand Tertiary Institute or undertaking a vocational training programme.
Refer to the Tertiary or Trades Scholarship Application Guidelines or Frequently Asked Questions for further information. Visit our Past Scholarship Recipients page for more information on previous year’s recipients.
“Me pioke he āwhio mō te Kōhanga Reo, He taonga tuku iho nā te Atua, Te taonga e kore e ngaro, i ngā tau whakahuihui, i ngā tau takaoriori.” (Tā Hemi Henare)
I te matenga o Tā Hemi Henare, tētahi o ngā Pou Aho Kairangi o Te Kōhanga Reo, i pirangi ngā whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo ki te waihanga i tētahi karahipi e whakahōnore ana i a ia.
Nā te Poari Matua, nā ngā rourou koha a ngā whānau o ngā Kōhanga Reo puta noa i Aotearoa me Toitū Kaupapa Mātauranga Māori tēnei karahipi i tautoko, ka mutu, e tautoko ana hoki ngā moni ohaoha whai hua a Te Kōhanga Reo i tēnei karahipi.
Kotahi (1) te karahipi Tā Hemi Henare, ka mutu, he $10,000 te wāriu o tēnei karahipi.
Tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui (FAQ’s), ka mutu, whakakīa tētahi puka tono (application form) mehemea e whai nei koe ki te whiwhi i tēnei karahipi.
Me pioke he āwhio mō te Kōhanga Reo, He taonga tuku iho nā te Atua, Te taonga e kore e ngaro, i ngā tau whakahuihui, i ngā tau takaoriori.” (Tā Hemi Henare)
Upon the sudden loss of our prestigious Rangatira, Kōhanga Reo whānau throughout the motu expressed their wish to establish a scholarship in honour and memory of Tā Hemi Henare, who was a Patron of the movement at the time.
The Trust, with collective contributions from Kōhanga Reo whānau throughout Aotearoa and the Māori Education Trust, supported the establishment of the capital fund that underpins this scholarship. The annual interest derived from the capital fund services the distribution.
Each year, one (1) scholarship valued at $10,000 is awarded to a student studying at Doctorate PhD Level.
Once scholarships open in February, you can apply online for the Tā Hemi Henare PhD Scholarship, or download a hardcopy of the application form. Refer to the application guidelines for the scholarship criteria and supporting documentation requirements.
E tautoko ana tēnei karahipi i ngā Manu Pīrere kua eke ki te tohu paerua i te whare wānanga. E rima (5) ngā karahipi tohu paerua, ka mutu, he $2000 te wāriu mō tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
Tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui (FAQ’s), ka mutu, whakakīa tētahi puka tono (application form) mehemea e whai nei koe ki te whiwhi i tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
Te Kōhanga Reo Masters Scholarships are intended to support Ngā Manu Pīrere that are undertaking postgraduate studies at Masters level. These scholarships are valued at $2000 each and are awarded to five (5) Kōhanga Reo graduates each year.
To apply for the Te Kōhanga Reo Masters Scholarships, you can access the form online or download a hardcopy of the form once scholarships open in February. See the application guidelines document for additional scholarship criteria and application requirements.
I whakatūwhera te Poari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo i tēnei karahipi i te tau 2022 ki te tautoko i ngā Manu Pīrere e whai ana i te ara tohu paerunga ki te whare wānanga. E whakanui ana tēnei karahipi i ngā Manu Pīrere kua eke i roto i tētahi tohu paetahi, ā, e pirangi ana hoki ki te whakawhanake i ōna mātauranga ki tētahi taumata teitei ake.
E whā (4) ngā karahipi tohu paerunga, ka mutu, he $1500 te wāriu mō tētahi o ēnei karahipi
Tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui (FAQ’s), ka mutu, whakakīa tētahi puka tono (application form) mehemea e whai nei koe ki te whiwhi i tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
The Te Kōhanga Reo Postgraduate Scholarships are specifically for Manu Pīrere who are undertaking postgraduate level studies, other than Masters and PhD level.
This category includes those who have successfully completed an undergraduate degree and are undertaking next level studies, such as Honours, Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates.
There are four (4) Postgraduate scholarships available each year, valued at $1,500 each.
In February, applications for the postgraduate Scholarships can be made online or by downloading a hardcopy of the form. Refer to the application guidelines for more information.
He nui noa atu ngā ara hei whai mā ngā Manu Pīrere o waho atu i te whare wānanga, ka mutu, e tautoko ana te karahipi ‘He Ringa Raupā’ i ngā Manu Pīrere i roto i ngā umanga whai tohu, ngā mahi ringarehe, ngā ara mahi rānei.
Ahakoa hangahanga mai, kaikuti makawe mai, kaipūkaha mai, e taea ana e te Manu Pīrere tētahi o ēnei karahipi te tono, kia ngāwari ake ai pea ngā utu i a ia e takahi ana i tōna ara mātauranga.
E rima (5) ngā karahipi He Ringa Raupā, ka mutu, he $1000 te wāriu mo tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
Tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui (FAQ’s), ka mutu, whakakīa tētahi puka tono (application form) mehemea e whai nei koe ki te whiwhi i tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
The He Ringa Raupā (Trades) Scholarships are intended to support graduates of Kōhanga Reo that are currently enrolled in a vocational training programme, studying towards a trade qualification, or undertaking a trade apprenticeship with a relevant provider.
Five (5) scholarships worth $1000 each are available for eligible Kōhanga Reo Graduates to apply for.
Once applications open in February, you can apply online for the He Ringa Raupā Trades Scholarships, or download a hardcopy of the form. Refer to the application guidelines for more information.
Tekau mā ono (16) ngā karahipi tohu paetahi, ka mutu, he $1000 te wāriu mo tētahi o ēnei karahipi. Kei runga ake te taumata o ngā tohu paetahi i ngā tohu NCEA o te kura tuarua, ā, kei raro iho te tohu paetahi i te ngā mana tohu paerunga. Ahakoa te kaupapa o tō tohu paetahi, e taea ana e koe tētahi o ēnei te tono.
Tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui (FAQ’s), ka mutu, whakakīa tētahi puka tono (application form) mehemea e whai nei koe ki te whiwhi i tētahi o ēnei karahipi.
There are sixteen (16) scholarships valued at $1000 available to Ngā Manu Pīrere undertaking undergraduate studies. Undergraduate level is the post-secondary education and before postgraduate education. It includes all tertiary academic programs up to and including a Bachelor’s degree.
In February, applications for the Undergraduate Scholarships can be made online or by downloading a hardcopy of the form. Refer to the application guidelines for more information.
Mēnā he pātai wāu e pā ana ki ngā karahipi nei, tirohia ngā pātai matawhānui, ngā kōrero Mātauranga Matua, ngā kōrero Ringa Raupā hei tohutohu āwhina.
Ki te kore īmēra mai ki ā mātou: [email protected]
Ka wawe tā mātou whakahoki kōrero atu ki ā koutou.
If you have any questions regarding the Kōhanga Reo Scholarships, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions document or our Tertiary or Trades Scholarship Guidelines.
Alternatively, you can email us at: [email protected] and one of our team will respond as soon as possible.