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Winter illnesses impacting Mokopuna attendance in Kōhanga Reo
Winter illnesses, such as RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and Whooping Cough (Pertussis), are circulating and impacting mokopuna attendance at Kōhanga Reo. These illnesses are particularly concerning for the well-being of our babies, it also has implications for Kaupapa Funding.
Not all whānau choose to immunise their tamariki, in the event of an outbreak, those tamariki must be immediately removed from their Kōhanga Reo environment. Ensure that this is discussed during enrolment/induction process.
Visit the Te Whatu Ora website for information regarding all health issues. If you are concerned ring your local Health Provider or call Healthline 0800 611 116.
Hotoke means colder months in enclosed spaces – good ventilation is vital.
Understanding Kaupapa funding and attendance rules
Kaupapa Funding is essential for the operation of our Kōhanga Reo. To ensure we continue to receive full funding, it is crucial to adhere to the attendance and absence rules outlined by Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust and the Ministry of Education.
Important information from the Kaupapa Funding handbook
1. Attendance Records (Section 4-2):
Attendance must be recorded daily in the maramataka, which includes specific codes:
P if present (Tae a-tinana)
M if absent due to sickness (Mauiui)
H if absent attending a Hui-a-Māori
J if absent for any other reason
2. Emergency Closure
We have seen an increase in applications for Emergency Closure:
O is the specific code for emergency closure
Notify Tari-a-Rohe immediately or as soon as you are able
Tari-a-Rohe will advise local Ministry of Education office and request acknowledgement letter for emergency closure
Tari-a-Rohe will email letter to the Kōhanga and Kaupapa Funding: [email protected]
Reasons for emergency closure can include, but not limited to:
Weather events
Kōhanga Reo Site disruptions: eg. power outages, road closures, no water, lock down, local council work in and around the Kōhanga, etc.
3. Absence Rule Exemptions (Section 7-2):
If a mokopuna exceeds the rule for absence due to illness, apply for exemption using the forms linked below:
EC12 agreement between the parents/caregiver and the Kōhanga, mokopuna space continues to be secured
EC13 medical practioner confirmation of mokopuna illness
Those forms confirm absence up to a maximum of 12 weeks during the illness period
Attach documents to Kōhanga files, email copies to Kaupapa Funding with maramataka: [email protected]
Actions for Whānau
Notify the Kōhanga Reo immediately if your mokopuna will be absent due to illness, this is especially important in the case of notifiable illnesses, provide medical certificates where applicable.
Stay in touch with the Kōhanga Reo during periods of extended absence to ensure that the enrolment status of your mokopuna is up-to-date and accurately reflected in our records.
Understand the importance of these measures in maintaining our funding, which directly supports the quality and sustainability of your Kōhanga Reo.
Winter illnesses, such as RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and Whooping Cough (Pertussis), are circulating and impacting mokopuna attendance at Kōhanga Reo.